"Angela Drake, Come here right now!" "One second!" Oh, hello my name is Angela Drake. Today is the day of my dance rehearsal.
That's why my mom was screaming my name. She is so bossy. Well I got to go, bye! "We are going to be late." Mom mumbled. "Just give me a second to put on my shoes, ok." I said, "Hurry then!"
Mom said. We got in our car to drive there. We arrived and mom barely had a spot to park. Mom said, " I will meet you backstage, hurry"! Ok.
As I opened the doors a little dog came running out. "Dixon come here right now"! Yelled a woman with brown hair as she came running after the dog. Ahh! Why is this so hard to get on? "Here let me help you ''. Called Bella.
Bella is one of my best friends. I've known Bella since I was 3. And now I'm 13, that's ten years! Mom made me dance when I was young. Although, I am a very talented dancer I don't like getting forced to do it.
"Come on kids it is time for the show." Said Mrs. Emma. I felt butterflies in my stomach. Ok here I go, I said that in my head. Also my dance is called "You." It is a really beautiful song.
Oh, it's my turn to go! Ah, I can not believe it! I did that perfectly! "You did amazing! "Said Bella. "Although I did go off to the side a little."
"Hey you need to work on your technique better that was horrible!" Barked Mom. "I will try, ok Mom." "You won't try you will!" "Sorry." "You are going into your room as soon as we get home!" "Plus, sorry doesn't cut it!" The way home in the car was silent.
Mom had her really mad face on. Then all of a sudden she said "you are going to have double the amount of chores!" "Why?" I said, "Shut up!" Mom yelled. I felt really dark and sad inside. Although Mom usually yells at me. Chores were horrible. I think I had about 11. They were harsh.

a journey
Adventurea little girl trying to find her way in a big world while also trying to find her family TW: there is swearing and a little bit of assault