We have a big house because my mom was a singer back then. We have tons of money. Well, my mom has all the money. My least favorite chore was cleaning the toilet.
By the way my mom has an old cat and her name is Nancy. She jumped off the counter and into the toilet. I haven't told my mother yet. I am not in the mood for another punishment. With a guilty look on my face I was going to make an evil plan.
Soon after I left the bathroom my Mom found out that Nancy fell into the toilet. But she thought that I locked Nancy in the bathroom. She was thinking on a whole other level. But whatever I knew I was going to get yelled at anyway. So back to the plan, I was going to sneak out of the house!
Ok, I have to say it somehow there is a dance tomorrow afternoon, and well I really want to go. I know my Mom was going to say no. I don't get why she won't let a little girl with blond hair and blue eyes go. She just always says I don't deserve anything.
I'm only 13, she doesn't deserve anything! Imagine if l had a little sister, we would do everything together. We would both agree that Mom is a total grump. I wish I had siblings. "Angela get down here!" screamed Mom. "Ok." I said in an annoying tone of voice.
I walked down the polished stairs and into the living room. Everything was shiny and clean thanks to the maid. Mom looked at me in silence. She just stood there and stared. Her face looked like a shriveled up leaf the way she looked at me.
I didn't know what to do. "Did you wet yourself!" Mom barked. "No neighbor's dog, Lana did it!" I barked back at her. "How did that dumb dog even get in here!" Mom screamed. "I must have left the dining room door open".
I said in a low tone of voice. "You are grounded and you are not going to that dumb dance you wanted to go! Get your dirty self up to your room, and before that you are going to clean that dirty dog's urine up!"

a journey
Aventurea little girl trying to find her way in a big world while also trying to find her family TW: there is swearing and a little bit of assault