Chapter 5

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Harry's POV

I can't stop thinking about her. Rachel I mean. I have never felt this way before with anyone. especially a human. and most importantly someone who hunts my kind.

I was sitting in a tree waiting for my food, when I caught a scent.

not any scent. her scent. I ran to where the scent came from. and there she was looking beautiful as ever. I quietly jumped down from the tree.

"nice to see you again, Rachel" she froze and turned around. "H-Harry" man shes cute when she stutters. "what are you doing out here?" It's not really safe to be in this forest on your own or without protection. she looked around and sighed. "just needed time to think" "about what?" she avoided eye contact. what's wrong? "nothing" shes lying I can tell. but I don't want to push myself.

"okay.." I paused and took a deep breath here we go. "Rachel, I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight..." she looked up at me shocked. "I-I mean if you aren't busy.." I looked to the ground.

she is going to say no. she is going to say no. I mean why would she want to go out with someone like m-. I was cut off by her angelic voice. "I would love to" I looked up and she was smiling, which made me smile. "really?" I thought she was going to say no. I mean she knows what I am. "yeah" I have never smiled so big before.

we were interrupted by her phone going off. "hold on a sec" with that she pulled her phone out of her back pocket and answered the phone. "Louis, what do you want?" who's Louis?

"yeah, I told Liam I was going out.." who's Liam? "yeah okay, I'm on my way" with that she put her phone in her pocket and looked at me. "I have to go.." she had that look in her eye. like she was sad to be leaving. "oh, okay" I looked down at the ground. hoping she can't tell I was disappointed she was leaving.

what surprised me was that she came over to me and hugged me. it took me a minute to realise what is happening and hugged her back. she smelled good. but unfortunately she pulled away. "bye" and with that she walked off.

I can't believe she said yes. I have never felt this way before, Rachel's special and I can't wait for tonight.


when I got home everyone was here. I couldn't stop smiling. I am taking Rachel out tonight.

"what are you so happy about?" guess they noticed. "oh, nothing" Niall looked at me like he wasn't convinced. he can read me so well. "you sure?" I rolled my eyes at Niall. "yes Niall, I can be happy about nothing" well... that was the worst lie I have ever done. and around here, that's a lot.

"okay" and then he was gone in a blink of an eye guessing he went for some 'food' if you get what I mean.

in a few hours I will see Rachel again. my thoughts were interrupted by my stomach. wow I really need to eat. I need to get enough blood if I am going to be near Rachel.


I am ready to pick up Rachel. but one thing stayed in my mind. how will I pass Zayn? it was like he read my thoughts because he appeared at the door. "why are you dressed up?" damn it. need a good lie...

"nothing, just going out" please buy it....

"where?" seriously....

"somewhere" I need to leave before he asks more questions.

I looked at my watch, "well, look at the time. I need to go" with that I left the building and I followed the scent I know so well.

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