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we decided to sit at a picnic bench in the school field whilst gwen filled me in on how she gets information on the missing boys.

"jesus gives me these dreams telling me about things that will or have happened, and i've had some about the grabber, like where the abductions take place and how." she explained.

at the bench, she was sat besides her brother, who was across from me, and i was sat next to robin.

"so you're like psychic or something? that's cool." i responded however i only got head shakes as an answer.

seemed like no one here actually believe in the psychic stuff that i did, since they were christians. the siblings were at least, i wasn't too sure about robins religion.

as the bell rang, we began to walk towards our first class. since gwen was two years younger than us, she obviously had different classes to us, and so she had chemistry, whereas the rest of us had biology together.

finney had already let me know that we were meant to be doing a dissection today and so he suggested that i would work with him and robin as i still haven't managed to make any other friends, and they actually knew what to do and how.

just like in all classes, i had to be taken got the front of the class and introduced to the teacher, and thankfully this teacher actually suggested i worked with robin and finney so our had plan worked out.

it was compulsory for the whole class to wear gloves and so everyone helped each other to put them on whilst the teacher went out to bring the hearts that we would be cutting.

"y/n, help me. these gloves aren't co operating and its getting annoying" robin spoke out from behind me. he had an incredibly discombobulated look on his face as he had three fingers trapped in one glove whole and his pinky finger in the place where the thumb was meant to go.

i laughed at him as i began to help him. "are you that dumb that you dont know how to put on gloves?" i ask, finally getting the glove on his hand properly.

the look of confusion quickly left his face as he replied, practically shouted "im not bobo!" and then whispered "thanks though.." after realising all students attention moved onto us.

once the teacher came back into the class with the sheep organs, the fishy stench from them swiftly came over the room making everyone complain and fake gag just to exaggerate how bad it smelt.

"there's just a couple of rules that you will all have to follow, and if anyone decides to ignore them, sanctions will be given out. do not eat the heart, and do not use the scalpel against anyone, not even as a mockery." our teacher announced, then allowing everyone to pick a heart each to dissect.

it was on heart per group, and around seven maybe eight groups in our class. i was allowed to choice which one we would get and so i chose the heart with the least fat, as it would be the easiest to work with.

robin began with separating the chambers and finding the arteries. from there, finney put his finger through the aorta and began to make disgusting jokes, causing us to laugh hysterically.

"is that what you guys did to bruce after you kidnapped him?" someone asked besides us. we looked over seeing the same three boys that were trying to talk to us the day before, and now only they were laughing, whilst we stayed silent.

'seems like there actually were rumours about us then, if those three had something to say about it...'

we ignored their stupid question an continued to slit through the heart, this time in silence as all three of us were now distracted by their unnecessary intel.

as the class finished and everyone cleaned up after themselves, we all made our ways to our next lesson, however finney, robin and i were still awkwardly not speaking to each other.

bloody lovers // yn + robin arellanoWhere stories live. Discover now