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the rest of the day went along ever so slowly. each period felt like 4 hours, and our break and lunch were the worst.

to start, they weren't selling cinnamon rolls at neither break nor lunch, which instantly got me annoyed, and then just as us three began speaking to each other again, a random student shouted, calling us the 'murder clique'.

robin couldn't allow it any longer, and so he instantly shot up and was prepared to fight whoever it was that called us it, however there were too many people watching and also talking beneath their breaths to figure who it could have actually been.

"drop it. we know we didn't abduct anyone, so dont let some idiots ruin shit." i whisper yelled at him, trying to calm him down even though i was pretty sure i wasn't approaching it in the right way.

he looked down onto me and replied "these tontos dont know it though, and they're quite certain that we are the pinche grabber!" and sat himself back down to asked finney what he thinks we should do about it.

"let them believe it. who cares anyway? its a dumb rumour that has no proof to back it up... but anyways, since its finally friday, should we have like some sleepover? we can watch a movie, play games, just anything to get our minds off of this! y/n, will it be okay at your house?" finney spoke out, and made a suggestion that would very obviously get my into trouble with family.

however, since i had only just started school, hopefully my parents will be able to allow it. "only if gwen also comes. two boys and no girls sleeping in my room will probably make my parents think im a slut or something." i responded.

the bell then rang, meaning that we now had a 5 minute period between lunch and our next lesson, which gave us enough time to get our books from our lockers and to get to our lesson.

"don't fall asleep this time, i can't be teaching you during our sleepover." i said to robin whilst we were on our way to maths.

finney had already sped up and went without us as he wanted to get to class before us, for some reason, but robin and i continued to walk our normal slow pace.

"i don't want to get taught by you anyways." he stated, leaving me a bit perplexed by the sudden attitude, although i just decided to ignore it as it probably wasn't intentional.

once getting into class, we sat in our seats and got out our books.

we were continuing our learning on the pythagoras theorem, and this time robin did manage to stay away and he was able to complete this lessons work.

'i must've taught him well if he's able to do the work so easily now' i thought to myself, whilst observing how quickly he finished the work.

"stop staring. or at least be more slick with it." he said, without even having to look at me to have known that i was watching him.

although i knew i wasn't ashamed to be looking at him, my cheeks grew a bright rosey colour making it seem like i was embarrassed.

the bell went right after that awkward pleasantry and so we all packed our stuff and headed right out as it was finally the end of this long day.

finney, robin and i went out of the gates and waited for gwen to let her now our plans, which were for the siblings to go back home and get their necessary belongs for the sleepover then come back to my place for 5 oclock, and robin and i would go back to his house to get his stuff since we already lived fairly close to each other.

perfect plan right?

bloody lovers // yn + robin arellanoWhere stories live. Discover now