Cuddles on the jet

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After finishing a case, the team head home on the jet. Emily knows that Y/n has been struggling to sleep, so she cuddles with her on the sofa chair.

A short one as I was out with my horse in a lesson so I had to rush to finish this! Sorry :)

Two whole days it had taken to get the unsub and finally be able to close this case. The team had loaded up on the jet. Emily wrapped her arm around a very tired Y/n as they both boarded the jet, ready to finally go home.

Nobody questioned how close the two women were, in fact it took a while for Y/n to even warm up to Emily when the raven-haired woman had joined the team. That was three years ago now, and here they were both close. Emily wanted it to be more, and so did Y/n but neither of them were going to say anything, atleast not yet. But the whole team knew that Y/n and Emily loved and cared for one another a lot, especially through actions.

"Dibs on the lounge sofa!" Emily exclaimed enthusiatically, making Y/n and the rest of the team chuckle when Spencer had tried to get to it before they did. Y/n slouched beside Emily, tiredly, resting her head on her shoulder.

"Y/n, get some sleep, okay? I'm right here beside you." Emily whispers, she moved Y/n to lay down in front of her, while she wrapped her arm around the womans waist, pulling her as close as possible. Y/n sighed in relief that Emily had allowed her to do this.

It wasn't uncommon to see this between them or for them to do this, Y/n usually fell asleep or rested her head on Emily's shoulder as a safety net because they were each others safe space. The team had just accepted as a whole and only questioned it one time. "You don't have to do this Emily" Y/n responded, knowing that Emily would say that she wants to.

"Yes I do, because I care about you and want you to get the best sleep even if its just for two hours" Emily replied. Y/n smiled slightly "I don't deserve you, Prentiss" she adds, to which Emily chuckles at lightly. "I'm the one who doesn't deserve you" she adds.

"Tough because we're stuck with each other" Y/n adds, laughing slightly.

"Rest" Emily repeats as she whispers. Her voice always seemed to make Y/n feel at ease, calm her down and thats what she needed. Feeling Emily place a light kiss on her cheek but then Emily remove her arm from her she was about to put it back before she noticed that she had reached for the blanket and placed it over them.

"Can you put your arm back around me?" Y/n asked quietly. But she didn't need to ask that from Emily because she would just do it anyway. The one thing Emily wasn't expecting was when Y/n had laced her fingers with hers over the blanket. But Emily didn't mind, she never minded when it came to her, she was falling in love with this woman so much more every day; She has to tell her how she feels, but for now she wants to make sure Y/n gets some rest, without waking up from a nightmare or any sudden noises.

"I love you, Y/n L/n" Emily whispered, none of the others were paying much attention, Emily did catch the eye of JJ who just smiled at her knowingly.

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