Nobody's loved me like you

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Emily has been pushing Y/n away because she's terrified that she would hurt Y/n & that she would leave her because she's 'complicated' & someone from her past is back, someone who would target Y/n just to get back at Emily.

Slow-ish updates rn & I also am sorry if these suck, just really busy atm and most of the time I don't have motivation to write either 😭! I swear tho I will get the smut oneshots out soon, I'm still trying to write some of those 🤣

Emily and I have been dating for three months now, we've known each other for a year, as I was new to the BAU team, but three months ago we finally admitted our feelings for each other, no matter how complicated things got we'll always figure it out, because dating someone in our line of work and in the same team as us can be difficult sometimes.

The team doesn't know, atleast I don't think that. We've been subtle about us ever since. But recently, Emily hasn't been as honest with me as I liked. There was something on her mind, something that made her feel distant, upset. Whenever I tried to ask about it, she would immeditely shut me down, or change the subject. Even Derek has noticed something was wrong with her. I think the whole team has.

I've been giving her some space, but it just didn't seem right. I didn't want her to go through whatever it is thats on her mind alone. Emily doesn't ever have to go through anything alone anymore, and I wished she knew that or atleast understood it.

It hurt me, that she was being so distant and cold, but I wasn't going to give up on her, on us so easily. Emily tends to do that, as shes said before, push people away to the point they can't stand to be around her anymore. So they just leave. But I'm not like that, shes the woman I love and want to spend the rest of my life with. I'm going to fix things. Emily can take it one step at a time if she has to.

There wasn't any point in trying to text or call Emily, she'd answer of course and act as if everything is normal. But I needed this face to face. Emily needed to know that she doesn't have to do any of this alone, not like she used to. Because now I'm here, not only me but the whole team is here for her to.

I found myself outside of her apartment, knocking on the door. And the moment she opened it, she gave me a smile, pretended like we were okay, like she was fine. "Hey, come in" she says, allowing me into her apartment. This is how it starts.

"Emily, we need to talk" you sighed, getting straight to the point. Emily rolled her eyes at me, knowing exactly what was coming. "Not this again Y/n. I told you countless times that everything is okay, I'm fine." Emily lies.

"No you're not! Stop pretending like you're okay! I can't bare to watch you suffer alone when you know you don't have to! Emily its not fair to you, or to me!" You exclaimed.

"I said, I am fine!" Emily shouted back at me. It almost seemed as if she was going to cry, I felt awful for shouting at her when shes already got so much on her mind. "Stop it! Stop lying to me, I'm not stupid Em. I know when somethings bothering you. The way you're cold and distant, the way you try to push me away. Well guess what? You can keep trying and trying but I'm never going anywhere! You're stuck with me Prentiss!" I exclaimed, trying to be calm about everything.

I followed Emily's movements and sat down on the sofa next to her. She didn't seem to have much fight in her to continue the argument, shouting wise, and thats when I knew something was really bothering her now.

"You know why I'm not going anywhere?" I questioned. Emily just nodded her head, as if she didn't understand why I'm still here.

"No Y/n, I don't." Emily admits. "Because I love you and no matter what I'm always going to be with you, I'm not going to leave you ever, no matter how hard and complicated things get. Because people who love you stay, they don't leave" You add, explaining.

"But what if I hurt you or what if someone from my past comes back and hurts you. I can't live with that I don't want to lose you" Emily adds, tears rolling down her face. "Emily, I don't care, as long as I'm with you it doesn't matter." Emily allowed you to get close enough so that you could tuck a loose strands of hair behind her ear. "Whats this about someone from your past coming back?" You asked her, you were less concerned for yourself and more concerned for Emily, you didn't care what happened to you as long as they didn't come after Emily.

But the brunette woman was the opposite, she didn't care about herself, she cared more about you and if this person knows about her being with you, then he could easily target you just to get back at her. Emily hadn't heard much from her old team back at interpol, but Tsia has mentioned that Ian Doyle may have escaped prison. Which means, her old team, her, and also her new team could be in could be in danger. And Emily didn't want to get you involved.

"I know you don't want to get me involved, I know you're scared that whoever it is could hurt me and I become a target. But Emily, I'm still not going anywhere. I love you. I won't leave." You mentioned.

Emily gave you a sad smile "when I worked undercover for my old team" she admits, and you didn't need any indication of who that was. Because Emily never told you much about her past with her old team, and while she thought that was for the best, there's clearly something going on now that's come back for her.

"I don't want to lose you, Y/n I can't tell you anything more." Emily adds. "Well tough. You're stuck with me. You have to tell the team whatever this is, they can help to." You mentioned, which Emily sighed and nodded a 'no' to you.

"No, I don't want them involved. Please Y/n, can we keep this between us?" Emily practically pleaded. You knew not to pry or even try to get her to tell the team. She was worried about you knowing and being hurt enough already.

"Fine. But when it gets really bad, Emily. Promise me you'll tell us please?" You asked of her. But you knew Emily couldn't promise that. She was a selfless person and also wants to get through things alone no matter how tough. "I'm not going to leave you Em. Okay?" You added.

You pecked her lips "I love you" you whispered. Emily felt vunerable right now and you know that she hated that. But even the toughest of people have vunerable moments and you weren't going to make fun of Emily for that. Your girlfriend needed comfort and you were there to give her what she needed. "I love you too, Y/n" Emily whispers back.

"What do you need right now, love?" You asked her, you didn't exactly have to ask her that when you already knew what she needed, but you asked just in case anything changed. "I just need you" Emily replies.

"What if I ran us a bath, then we order a takeout and then we can cuddle?" You asked. Emily nodded in agreement "please. I'm sorry Y/n I shouldn't have tried to push you away or made you feel awful" Emily says, apologising. You gave her a smile "that hurt Em, but I'm never going anywhere and I need you to know that. I'm right here." You reassured the brunette woman once again.

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