Prolouge Chapter four: Warrior Unleashed and Warmonger's Evil

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The Blissful Abyss that is Recharge, Firepepper liked it a Lot. It was Calm and Soothing for a Stressed Femme-ling like her, Its always Either go to Iacon to Read or making sure Metal Walls are Cleaned so they don't Rust. It was Always work work work, relax a bit then Recharge just to do it All over Again. But luckily it was the one Day when she could have a Break from such a Intense Work Session and Hang out with her fellow Femme-ling white and Pink painted Friend Arcee. Though her Processor has been Stuck on the Day her Carrier was...Terminated.

Her Thoughts are Disturbed when she hears a Crash like Glass Which Firepepper turns to look at but still sees nothing but Darkness in the Direction which only Makes the Work Strained Femme-ling even more. So the Femme Takes a Step and Somehow Feels a Ground but it Feels Wet like it Was walking on Organic Water, which Disturebed the Femme-ling. But Dispite the feeling in her Chassis to Stop turn around and leave, She keeps walking forward with no Fear in Her Optics or Presence Whatsoever.

Soon Enough she Stops as soon she Hears Another Crash that Sounds like its directly Below the Femme-ling, Something to Which the Femme-ling goes on one Knee plate and looks down at the Ground Ignoring the Ripples in the Water. The Femme Hesitantly Reaches out her Servo and Touches the Ground Cuasing her To Fall to a Seemingly Unending Pit of the Abyss but instead of Screaming the Femme-ling's Optics Close.

Suddenly the Femme-ling kicks her Left Stabilisation Servo to the side which makes a Resounding THUD Noise in the Seemingly Endless void, The Kick itself Cuases the Femme-ling to go a Different Directions and her Feet hit Ground, The Femme-ling in the Heat of the Moment Tuck's in and Rolls to Absorb the Impact. She Stands up and Looks Behind her with Her Optics open to See a Stone Wall.

"Well Scrap...guess I can't just Have a Phase Shifter lying About" Firepepper mutters to herself as she Looks Forward to see some kind of Organic Cave with a Small Crack having a Waterfall of a Black Liquid going into a Small Pond of the Same Substance but with a yellow Starry Like Top, the pond Connects to the Other side of the Cave but there is a Strange Mirror there which has a White Outline seemingly Connected to the Cave Wall.

"Well...I see no other way out" The Femme-ling Muses as she starts walking towards the Mirror, The Strange Black Water acts like Normal Water but the Yellow Star's Seemingly Follow Her as she Walks towards the Seemingly No Reflection Mirror that is Attached to the Cave wall. Once she was Standing right infront of it she looks to the Insides of the Mirror to see its Grey with a Black Sky Surronding the Area inside the Mirror which creeps out the Femme-ling to her Spark.

Suddenly a Femme Version of Firepepper Appears in the Mirror with the Classic Red Paint, but with her Servo's Black with her Digits Red Like her Paint, Strange Contraption's on her Forearm Armour with a sort of Heavy Weapon type look to it. Her Mesh Painted a Black with her Optics Yellow instead of the Normal Crimson and Strange Alien Style Alternate Mode Parts on Her Frame.

 Her Mesh Painted a Black with her Optics Yellow instead of the Normal Crimson and Strange Alien Style Alternate Mode Parts on Her Frame

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(This is sorta my OC, I made a Character similar to this in Ai Dungeon and the art work suited my Gal. This is not my Art I found this Randomly, Credit to the Original Artsy boi that Drew this since I couldn't Communicate with him)

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