To The Hospital

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Dean's POV:

  Andy and I rush to the hospital after leaving Steven's house. I made Andy drive the truck while I sat in the passenger and held onto Kenzie. My vision was blurry the whole time for as tears just kept flowing down my cheeks and I couldn't stop myself from crying, worrying so much. I repeated the same words over and over under my breath in a quavering voice. "you're going to be okay, it's going to be okay."

She was still in my arms when we arrived and when we rushed in, I begged the first Doctor and nurse I saw to help her. I watched as they hauled her away onto a hospital bed and I held her hand through most of it, till they told me to wait out in the waiting room while they did some type of surgery. Hours spent pacing back and fourth anxiously waiting for answers, while Andy slept on one of the chairs, not once did I sit down.

Now that's when I get called by a doctor to go in the room so I follow him fast and Andy does too.
I walk in the room to see Kenzie laying on the hospital bed still unconscious, a nurse was at her side placing a needle in her arm, connecting it to a machine and pressing a few buttons, then a blood transfusion. I watch as she places a thin needle into a vein on her hand, which allows blood to move from a bag, through a rubber tube and into the vein through the needle. Kenzie seems to be all patched up after some surgery and its good to see the knife not there so I sigh in relief. The doctor motions for Andy and I to take a seat so that's what we did.

I watch as the doctor brought out a check list of some kind then he spoke. "so you're her.."

"boyfriend. I'm her boyfriend." I say instantly before he could finish, he just nods and carries on. "Very well, she was essentially stabbed in the side, lower abdomen. But this is amazing news, it's sheer luck that no organs had been damaged. In that case, it’s not a deep flesh wound, it didn't hit any vital organs, so with enough rest she'd be nursed back to health."

I start to tear up at that, but it's good tears, happy tears. "This is amazing news.. really" I say to the Doctor and mouth a thank you. He just smiles and nods, "I assume you will spend the night, I made some arrangements so a nurse will know." The Doctor says as he walks out and the nurse follows him.

I let out a deep breath of air and finally relax. We both sit there in silence for awhile before I let out a small chuckle, I see Andy glance over to me from the corner of my eye. "you look like shit." I say as I look over to Andy with a smug smile, he just nudges my arm. "me? look at you pal.. we both look like shit." he said and we both laughed for a good minute.

"I'm gonna stay with her." I say to Andy and he pats my shoulder giving me a heartwarming smile before he gets up and leaves for the night. I walk over and grab a chair and place it beside Kenzie's hospital bed, sitting down. I place my hand over hers and watch her intently with a concentrated manner, she's still very much unconscious but she seems okay and her breathing is steady. She's all patched up and just needs the rest, she's okay, I'll believe the Doctors this time.

"I love you.. I know I don't say it much, especially when we were in our relationship, but I was scared and I always pushed everyone I loved away. You mean the world to me, Kenzie." I mutter softly. Staying by her side the whole night.


   The next morning I hear Andy walk in through the doors so I tiredly look up to see him with a pair of clothes in his hands, he's looking at me like I have something on my face but I just look dead and tired. "I brought ya some new clean clothes.. How long have you been there?" he asks confused.

"Never left.. never slept, I needed to know if she'll be okay." I sigh letting go of Kenzie's hand finally and getting up to grab the clothes from Andy, I remove the half ripped shirt and toss it near the trash can.

"Dude you need rest and something to eat. I'll fetch ya some of their breakfast here, atleast it's free.. I think." he chuckles and walks out to buy food, or steal it, typical Andy. I watch as he walks out and when the door shuts that's when I decide I'll change into the new clothes that he brought me, it was nice of him really. They looked way to similar to my clothes and it made me wonder if he either stole my clothes or walked into my house and took em.

After awhile he walks back and throws me a granola bar, I catch it. "Did you pay for this?" I ask as I give Andy a serious look. He takes a bite into his own granola bar then pauses to look at me, he looks guilty as hell. I sigh and decide to shrug it off, I was hungry so if it's stolen or not I need food in my stomach. Andy walks over and passes me his water bottle next, I grab it from him, chugging the whole thing in less then a minute and to his surprise I don't think he expected me to do that but I was very dehydrated. I go over and soflty kiss Kenzie's forehead, brushing some of the hair away from her face as I gaze at her for a bit, then I turn to Andy "I need you to stay here with Kenzie." I say looking up.

"what, why?"

"I'm going after Steven again. This time I know what to do." I go to walk past him but he places a hand on my chest to stop me from walking off. "What no, I'm going with you Dean!" he blurts and I look him straight in the eyes. "Andy, I saw you get tossed through a god damn window and I thought you died."

"hey it was fine, not like we were at a three-storey building or something." he laughs but it turns into a nervous chuckle because I don't laugh. "it's dangerous.. what he did to you, Sandy, Kenzie.. I need to do this alone." I push past him to walk but turn and point to him to make something clear. "When she wakes up, tell her I love her.. not as in you love her.. as in 'Dean said he loves you' way, got that Andy. She's my girl, mine." I say sternly and walk out the door, leaving him standing there.

"Dean, what the hell."

(tada tadaa tadaaa tadaaaa tadaaaaa tadaaaaaa

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