Chapter One

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Ten. Nine. "Crap crap crap crap crap!" He breathed as he bolted up the steps of Woodlock Senior High. Eight. Seven. "Crapcrapcrapcrap!" He mouthed, losing air flow because damn, those were some steep steps. Six. Five. Four. "Just down the hall! I can make it!" He thought to himself. Three. Two. The burly teen burst through the doors of Mr. Leonard's Science class, just before Mr. Leonard decided to damn the poor fools who were still in the halls to a period in detention. One. The shrill siren that signified he had made it safe rang throughout the school, he fistpumped the air. "Mr. Jones, so glad you can join us." Mr. Leonard spoke through his clenched jaw. "I wish I could say the same, James." Alfred shuffled between the cramped rows of the classroom until he made it to his little nook in the room. He plopped down in the worn desk which he swore was older than the school itself. Mr. Leonard began with instructions, that was Alfred's cue to catch some extra sleep before gym. As he was dozing off, someone rapped at the door. Mr. Leonard haulted his teachings and strolled over to the entrance. Alfred usually wouldn't pay attention to a visitor, they were common. But he felt like he should. Al couldn't tell who the teacher was talking to, or whether the visitor was a student or what. "I have to get a better look!" Alfred thought to himself. He slowly attempted leaning over his desk, but slipped and face planted onto Elizaveta, his old "friend". "Keep your cool, Al! We all want to see who it is." Eliza spat out. She smoothed her brunette ringlets and turned back around towards the door. Alfred sighed and sunk back into his chair. After an eternity of banter between Mr. Leonard and the mysterious visitor, the veil was broken. The visitor stepped into the classroom and Alfred was... dissapointed. To be honest, he had hoped for Tim Tebow (a famous american football player) or maybe a gorgeous new exchange student. Although it was far fetched, a boy could dream, couldn't he? But what the class was greeted with was a sloppy blonde teenage boy. He seemed like the type you would find in the back of a half priced book store, hunched over a pile of Shakespeare and Harry Potter books. The dark circles under his eyes and his eccentric piercings increased the probability to this theory. Mr. Leonard joined him at the front of the class, putting a hand on the boy's shoulder. Mr. Leonard announced, "Class, this is Arthur Kirkland. He will be apart of our class for the rest of the year. He has transferred here from a private school in Cambridge, England!" A collection of ooh's and aah's rippled through the class. Arthur was the first transfer student since the Ivan Braginski incident, but we don't speak of that. Arthur's jaded eyes scanned the room with uncertainty, absorbing this unfamiliar atmosphere. His posture shifted as he cleared his throat and spoke nervously, "T-that's right. I hope I get to meet all and get along with you!" A wave of reassuring nods and mumbles of encouragement boosted Arthur's confidence. "For now, you can sit in front of Elizaveta." Eliza waved cheerfuly in Arthur's direction. After Arthur made his way to his seat, class went on as usual. "Before the class end I forgot to mention something. The homecoming dance will be held in the Auditorium at 7pm on November 18th, so, being that it is only a month away and there have been zero preperations, all willing volunteers are urged to come. Now, onto-" But before be could continue, the bell to switch classes shrang with shrilly throughout the school. "Be sure to study for the test next week!" Mr. Leonard shouted to the backs of the students who were already halfway out the door. While Afred collected his things, Arthur just sat there, staring at a slip of paper with an excited look on his face. When Al finished collecting himself, he strolled over to Arthur, curiousity rising in him. "How's it going, dude? The name's Alfred, but you can call me Al!" Alfred spoke with confidence. Arthur was startled by the sudden conversation and jolted to his feet, startling Alfred. "S-sorry!" Arthur muttered before shoving past Alfred, leaving behind that slip of paper he was studying earlier. A rush of dissapointment flowed through Alfred. He had wanted to get to know the guy. Before Alfred left for his next class, he noticed something out of the corner of his eye. Al turned back Arthur's desk, retrieving the item he noticed. The slip of paper. "What is this paper for anyway?" He asked himself. He flipped it over and the words "HOMECOMING: VOLUNTEER SIGN UP" were printed in bright bold letters, along with a thoroughly filled out information list and a signature. "I have to get this back to him!" Alfred said aloud, before sprinting off.

So this is my first fanfiction *tears*. Leave a like if you enjoyed it or if you want to see more!

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