Chapter- 8 [ This is your fault ]

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Glitched'Face was sent out of the medicine den and was to,d to go to the warriors den, but she definitely didn't do that Instead she went to Dream told him "you started this all, I'm going to get you back, something that will make you never want to live any longer" Glitched'Face didn't want to hear a word from Dream, and walked away before he tour her eye.

Dream let a low growl as Glitched'Face walked to the warriors den, he wished he could kill her at this point, at first he just wanted her put of the clan, but nowhere wants her dead. He looked at George as he sorted herbs. Dream tried to think of what Glitched'Face would do, but didnt wan to worry about it. Though he will soon.

Soon enough it got late, Dream shiffered in the cold, as he didn't have a lot of fur George came back late from getting herbs and saw Dream laying down twitching from the cold. As much as he hated Dream they where best friends, so George layed all the herbs her had collected on the shelf nice and organized, he grabbed a pile of moss from the warriors den and let Dream sleep on it for the night, he layed next to Dream and fell asleep.

Glitched'Face was the frist to wake up, she woke up very early. She looked over to see what her enemie was doing and she saw what George had done, she would be mad but she let George hang whith Dream while he still could. She went over to the medicine den and ruined all the herbz, she messed them up, chewed some up, and even threw some in the river. She knew then George would the spend all day in the medicine den needing his herbz back.

She then had to deal whith Dream and how she could make him none suspicious of what she was doing, so she woke Dream up, she acted mad and anoyyed. Dream looked at her and snarled "back up and leave me alone, I don't care what you do anymore" Glitched'Face rolled her eyes "get up, I have to move you and your chains, the leader said I had to since I was the only one up" Dream beloved her, as he did see the leader up and sitting in his den, so he listened, he got up and Glitched'Face, moved his bed and chains so he was facing the opposite direction from the medicine den, so he would see a thing. She ,ived George over bye Dream but she wasn't able to lay him down, Dream saw her carrying him and dint want her to hurt him, so he clawed Glitched'Faces muzzle and grabbed George. Dream held George and snarled at Glitched'Face as she growled "I was trying to move him for you mouce brain!" Dream rolled his eyes "yeha right get the fuck out of here before I make your face look like you've been and SCP for longer than 1000 years.

Glitched'Face clawed at Dreams face and walked away, at least now her plan would work. She waited for the rest to the clan to awaken and soon enough George complained to the leader "My herbz are gone! There chewed and messed up and a lot of them are missing!" The leader knew that all the warriors today had there apps, and would be training them so he had to choose Glitched'Face to go whith George to get herbs, Glitched'Faces smiled befor Dream yelled "No! I don't want her around d him whith out soem other cat!" Glitched'Face yelled back "oh shut up I won't hurt you beloved goggy woggy" The leader herd enough and let Dream come along, Glitched'Face had to get rid of Dream somehow.

They set off and Dream was walking very close to George, any time Glitched'Face step close to George he'd snarl and shed step away, soon enough Glitched'Face got a plan, She acted as if she tripped and fell on Dream, Dream roar and started to claw at her and bite her while George then yelled "DREAM CALM DOWN SHE JUST TRIPPED" Dream took on last claw on her face before getting up and walking to George, but George ran passed Dream and begain helping Glitched'Face, Glitched'Face smiled at Dream and then went back to acti g as if she was hurt, George yelled "Dream just go over neat the bride to hunt me and Glitched'Face will together", Dream yelled back "why together!?" George growled "so you don't come around and attack her again" Glitched'Faces plan was working better than she expected.

Once Glitched'Faces scars weren't bleeding anymore she waited for her and George to be far from where Dream was, soon after Glitched'Face waited for George to get a herb, soon after George spotted yarrow and bent down to pick it, that as Glitched'Face s cue, she lunged at George and clawed at him, she bit his neck and ripped it open, makeing George fall whith a pile of blood. Glitched'Face said "I'm sorry George but this whish the only way I could tell Dreamto fuck off" she said befor closing George's eyes and sticking the now blood red yarrow in George's stomach, she then sat behind him and waited for Dream to come looking.

Soon after Ahe herd Dream yell "Glitched'Face..? George..? I think I got enough prey! Where are you guys?" Glitched'Face yelled "over here Dream!" Drezm tuned the corner and his eyes widened, he sprinted over to George's dead body a d cried "YOU FUCKING DUMBASS I KNEW IT! YOU KILLRD HIM" Glitched'Face let a big smile and then said "Now Dream! We must tell the clan Rouges did it" Dream yelled "NO FUCK THAT, YOUR NOT GOING BACK TO THAT FUCKING CAMP" whith that Dream lunged at Glitched'Face and was able to claw her neck open and claw her stomach, they weren't bug scars bc he had chains on, Glitched'Face got up and said, "IF you don't tell them rouges did it, I will kill you next, and I will make it hurt" she said as her tan side started to electrocute whith electricity. Dream didn't know what to do.

Soon Skeppy and Karl came rushing towards them, that's when Dream shouted "SHE KILLED HIM, SHE FUCKIMG KILLED HIM" Karl helped George and Dream back to camp as skeppy yelled at Glitched'Face and started clawing at her, "WHAT THE FUCK WHERE YOUT HINKING!? KILLI G A DAMN CAT BC YOU DDINT LIKE HIM" Glitched'Face yelled back "HE TRIED TO THROW ME OFF A FUCKING CLIFF, USING MY OWN BROTHER" Skeppy then told her "I don't think Sapnap is going to still be your brother.." whith that he kicked Glitched'Face out of the family and walked away.

Glitched'Face had a secret though, she died a long time ago, meaning she was now apart of the dark forest, she then shifted into the dark forest and knew she had to get back at skeppy, but Badboyhalo was the roller of the dark forest, so she had to find a way to get rid of Bad. She knew that he had a crystal in his chest that could turn him back to a normal cat, so she then knew how to get rid of them all.

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