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I woke up to a very dark empty room. By empty I meant there was only me. I got up off the floor and walked to the curtains. I shoved them open pouring light into the room. The sky was blue with very few clouds. I turned to see Lucy at the door. 'Mrs Marino? Would you like me to get your clothes out?' I smiled awkwardly. 'Uh... No thanks. Do you know where I can get breakfast?' She came in and wrote the directions down on a piece of paper. 'Thank you.' She left me standing there. I decided to wear a black corset top with jeans.

I grabbed the note and walked to the dining room

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I grabbed the note and walked to the dining room. I was surprised to see my father sitting on one end of the table. I sat next to Carlos to please everyone. 'What's going on?' I asked him worriedly. 'Your father is here to help choose our home. He wants you in your own home as soon as possible.' He said showing no emotion. 'It's going to be a loong day.' I ate my toast quietly listening to everyone else speak. I noticed everyone was standing up and I quickly stood up and followed them.

When Carlos' father opened the doors I saw a room with a massive screen in the centre. 'We will now decide on your home!' He announced grandly. I sat down and looked through the photos. None of them were what I wanted in a home. Carlos didn't say anything about any of them either. I then saw one. I paused for a moment. 'That one!' I said pointing to it. It was a black house with marble and a grand driveway. The garden was just as beautiful as the rest of the house. 'Carlos?' His father questioned. 'If she wants that one we'll have that one.' He looked at me then back at his father. 'Perfect!' My father smiled. 'Are we done? I want to pack my things.' My father nodded and I left to our bedroom.

Carlos and I packed in silence. 'Y/n... My father gave us a choice. Either we move in right now or we wait until tomorrow.' I looked out the window. 'Now! I'm not staying here any longer than I need to.' I got my bags and walked to the front door. Carlos followed behind me. 'Do we get to keep a car?' I asked. He nodded and threw me some keys. I pressed the button to see which car we got. I saw the lights on the Bugatti Chiron flash. I could see myself in the blacked out windows. 'Do you want to drive?' Carlos asked opening the trunk. 'I don't know where we are going so you have to drive.' I sat in the passengers seat. The leather seats were cold but at least it wasn't burning hot. 'We have maids setting up the house right now so some of the house will be unfinished.' Carlos reversed out of the driveway. 'I'm going to sleep.' I closed my eyes.

I felt hands shaking me gently awake. 'We're here.' Carlos shut the car door. I rolled my eyes and saw the giant house in front of me. I walked to the door and saw maids rushing around in every direction. They were all mumbling and whispering to each other. ' That's her!' I heard one whisper to the other as I walked past. 'It's a shame she doesn't know what she's getting into.' I brushed off their words and Carlos showed me our bedroom. It was larger than our previous one and had a balcony that looked out over the front yard. 'I have some stuff to do so you can stay and do whatever you want.' Carlos walked to the door and slammed it shut. I rolled my eyes.

I noticed a closet that was almost as big as a master bathroom. There was an island bench in the centre and hangers and shelfs on all the walls. A few maids came in and put every single item of clothing I had in the right spot and even colour coded it. I watched in amazement as they then put my jewelry in a glass box neatly without tangling anything. Before they left I made sure to thank them all for their work. 'Don't worry about it Mrs Marino. It's our job to serve you.' They all scurried out quickly.

I set up some of my personal things around the room. I didn't do much because I thought Carlos might want something of his in here aswell. I looked around the room more and saw another closet the same size but filled with Carlos' clothes. The bathroom was just as grand and beautiful as the rest of the house with black marble tiles and golden handles and a golden tap. Even though I hated the idea of this marriage I guess there were some perks to it.

I found my way around the house in no time. Even though I wasn't supposed to I helped the maids get the house ready. It helped save me from being bored. I also needed to focus on something to keep me from my thoughts. Most of the staff had gone home around 7:30 but when I checked the clock it said 9:45. My stomach was empty so I decided to cook something. I walked to the kitchen and turned some music on. (You pick what song)

I decided to cook some paninis. I danced along to the beat of the music while cooking. I felt eyes on me so I turned around. Carlos was leaning against the door frame watching me. 'What do you want?' I turned the music off. 'Am I not allowed to be hungry?' He smirked at me. 'I can make another one you can have this one.' I gave him the one I was going to eat. 'You gonna keep dancing or...?' He sat up on the counter. 'No! Not with you watching me!' I glared at him. 'Just asking. You know you can if you want... I'm not looking.' My face felt hot and I turned on the music but sat next to him on the counter.

'So... how's day two of being Mrs Marino?' He grinned at me. 'It's fine. How's your Panini?' He swallowed the bit in his mouth. 'Really good.' I smiled. ' We have to finalize some plans with our fathers tomorrow morning. They will be coming here.' He said calmly as we walked to our room. 'Thanks for letting me know.' I nodded slowly. I walked into the closet and got my comfiest clothes and a towel. I headed to the bathroom and closed the door.

I was clean and I was wrapped in my towel with my hair in a high ponytail when the door opened. Carlos was standing there. 'I am changing!' I yelled at him expecting an apology and for him to close the door but no... nothing was said. 'Can you leave?' He walked in and looked in the mirror. 'Don't flatter yourself Darling.' I changed in the corner where he couldn't see me. I felt my face get hot again but this time I wasn't blushing I was angry.
(This is what y/n is wearing)

I turned on the Tv and watched Seinfeld

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I turned on the Tv and watched Seinfeld. My eyes were fixed on the show until Carlos walked out in only a towel. His curly hair was soaking wet. 'So I'm not allowed to look at you but you can look at me?' He laughed to himself and walked into his closet to get changed. I continued to watch the show.

Carlos came to bed but kept his distance between the two of us. 'I'm going to get some sleep.' Carlos layed down and I couldn't help but stare at him for a moment he looked peaceful laying there quietly. I turned the Tv off and layed down aswell. I had a feeling I was in for a wild ride in the morning.

Word count: 1342

Thank you for reading! I hope your enjoying this. Make sure to vote! I will be uploading the next chapter as soon as I possibly can!

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