Wicks of a Candle

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TW: this story may contain some triggers so if you're offended or triggered by anything in the story, don't flame me for it. You have been warned

The roar of Damien's Camaro could be heard about half of a mile away. "There he is." Hunter always could tell the difference between Damien's Camaro than anyone else's. Damien pulls down the trail that leads to the cabin. He can hear the rocks pop and the mud squish under his tires. He pulls up and the squeal of his brakes can be heard as he stops. He gets out and pops his trunk open. He shuts the door and grabs his stuff and walks up to the cabin and opened the door. It creaks as he opens it up and is greeted by Hunter and John on the couch smoking. "You cunts better not smoke all of that, I want some." "We promise we won't." Damien could tell that John was lying through the grit of his teeth. Damien went to the room he chose to stay in. He opens another creaking door to Blake unpacking her clothes. Both of them meet eye contact for about a good 3 seconds. "I'm sorry." Before Damien walks out, Blake pulls him in and shuts the door. "Um, you good?" Damien would be behind Blake as she had the door shut. "Erm, yeah." "So, I'm assuming you want me to stay in here?" "Mhm." "Ok." Damien set his bag next to the left nightstand. He plops down on the bed and looks in the mirror. Luckily, The Face doesn't appear. He lets out a sigh of relief and checks his phone, he had a text from his mom. It was for him to pick up some pizza for dinner. With a couple of taps to his screen, he explained that he was out at a cabin for the weekend. She replied and said that that was ok and for him to have fun. He tapped his screen a couple of times and turned it off. He was surprised that they would have cell service here. He got up and was about to head out the room. "Hey, are you sleeping in here?" Damien turned around and nodded and headed out. He plopped down next to Hunter. "We still got some left?" "Nah, John smoked it all. He's gonna be stoned for awhile." Damien turned his attention to the kinda kitchen part of the cabin. He walked over and opened the mini fridge and saw a couple of sodas and beers. He pulled a can of soda out and cracked it open and started to sip on it. He kicked the mini fridge door close, and walked over to the window. He stared at the lake and decided that they were gonna have a bonfire and party for tonight. He turned his head to John making moves on Kate but they weren't working. She was more interested with Hunter for some odd reason. He then turned his attention to Hunter who was chatting it up with Yui. 

A few hours past of the boys and girls chatting and that time comes around. They all go outside and set the stuff up. Blake, brought a candle out. She explained that it's a "memorial" to her dad who died of a heart attack and left her a candle. She lights the candle and sets it next to her chair. Damien, Hunter, and John go out to find firewood to light up. They come back with a couple dry pieces and stack them up in a pile. Damien wipes his hand's off of the dust from the wood and goes up to get the cooler. He walks by a suspicious shadow but he thinks nothing of it as they are in a valley of some sort. He grips the handle and lifts it up. As he turns around, he sees the bonfire lit up in all of its glory. The others are chatting and Damien notices Blake is somewhere else. He peeks in the window and sees Blake reading a book. He creaks the door open and asks, "You coming or not?" "In a minute." Damien shrugs it off and rushes down the hill to the fire. He drops the cooler and cracks the top open and grabs a beer. He pops the cap off with his mouth, "Y'all ready!" "Fuck yeah!". 

After three whole 6 packs of beer bottles, Hunter and John were throwing up in the woods, Damien was sitting on a stump, looking at the horizon, and Yui and Kate were sitting drinking sodas. Damien turns his head back to the mysterious shadow, its been there for a couple of hours. He turned his head to the dying fire, he can hear the screams of the people that suffered here. After that night. Damien turned his head back to the shadow and it was gone, "Must've been another hallucination." He noticed Blake had been in the cabin the whole time and hadn't even peaked her head out. "Y'all wanna go and check on Blake?" Kate perked her head up, "We'll go up there, right Yui?" "Yeah, yeah." They walk up there as the two boys walk back to the fire, "Told you not to smoke all of it, we could've saved some for tomorrow." "I know, I know. Where did the girls go Damien?" Damien sipped his last drop of beer and turned his attention to them, "Checking on Blake, should be ba-" A muffled but loud scream could be heard from the cabin and the boys started to run up there. Hunter being the athlete, he got there first. He kicked the door open to see Blake hanging from the ceiling, "Holy shit." The other two make it up there and they see it. John saw her still twitching, "She hasn't been hanging for long, get her down." Damien and Kate get her down but they snap her neck on accident doing so. "God dammit." All the lights flicker out.

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