On The Road

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TW: this story may contain some triggers so if you're offended or triggered by anything in the story, don't flame me for it. You have been warned

Damien blinks his eyes a couple times as he awakes. He sits up and rubs the sweat off of his forehead. He turns to his phone and turns it on. He got a text from a group chat of him, Hunter, and John. He taps his phone a couple times and turns it off. He rubs his eyes and stands up. He puts on a pair of jeans that have holes, throws on a white Metallica shirt, and throws on socks and shoes. He puts his ring on the middle finger of his left hand and walks out of his room and to his bathroom. He opens the door and it creaks as he enters. He takes a morning wiz and washes his face. He looks into the mirror, and he sees him. The Face. Damien stumbles back and hits his head the wall. "Ow!". He looks back and there's no one there. He breathes heavily and quickly rushes out. He enters his room and grabs his bag. He also picks up his phone and earbuds. He walks down and fortunately, his mom had left. He grabs a canned soda and chugs it. Damien walks out to his 69' Camaro and throws his stuff through the window. He hops in and starts it. The car roars as he turns the key and pushes the clutch in. Damien looks in his rear view and sees The Face again. He looks behind him and there's nothing but his leather seat and a couple parts. Damien pulls out the driveway and drives off to pick up Hunter and John. The two hopped in, Hunter in the back and John in front. The Camaro roars again as Damien pulls out of their driveway.

Damien pulled up to Jacksville High and parks. He turns the car off and relieves a heavy and long sigh. "Another year of this hell man." "It won't be that bad if you stopped complaining." Hunter and Damien known each other since Hunter helped Damien out of a burning car. "Just hurry up and move so i can get out. I can't be late to Biology." John and Damien became friends when Damien kicked the shit out of people who were messing with John. "We're always late. And besides, you can invite Kate after school, we're leaving two hours after anyways." "I know, but I can't wait that long. And maybe if Hunter didn't take so long to prep his hair, we wouldn't be late." Hunter had that Elvis Presley cut. He always took about 20 minutes to get it ready, and yet, he doesn't have any bitches. "Shut both of your traps and get moving." The trio hurried out and into school. "You three are late again." Mrs. Hurmwhich was the desk lady, "We know. We're getting to class." Mrs. Hurmwhich looked at them with a crooked eye and let them through. They entered Mr. Bowers class and quickly sat down. They were assigned work and Damien looked up at the clock and saw it. The Face. His lips quivered and continued working, "Useless" Damien perked his head up to see who said it, no one was near him. He could feel it loom over him, the darkness was heavy, and weighed his shoulders down. "Mr. Bowers, I may I go to the bathroom?" "You may" Damien rushed out and into the bathroom. He looked up into the mirror and saw The Face. All Damien saw was black. Their was two eyes that were red, one fully red and the other was only the pupil. The big yellow smile that was ear to ear was behind him. He turned around and nothing was there. Damien looked back into the mirror and saw his reflection. Damien heard how hard and fast his breaths and heart were. He ran back out and into the class. The day went by boring as hell. Lunch went by as differently though. Damien, Hunter, and John were sitting at their usual spot,  under the tree, and Gage walked up to the three. "Heh, you dickbeaters better pay up your dues before we beat it out of you." John piped up, "You won't do shit." Before Gage was able to kick the fuck out of John's face, Damien stood up and through a jab at Gage's nose, breaking it. "H-holy fuck" Gage held his nose as it bled. "Shouldn't fuck with us unless you want your jaw connected to your face" Damien was tired that day as he saw The Face more then usual and was ready to punch whoever fucked with them. Gage and his goons walked away. "About tired of everyone's shit." Damien sat back down and the bell rung for Lunch to end. School ends and the trio walks back to the car. Damien sees The Face in the mirror and looks into the sky, he'll probably never escape from this curse of his. 

He drops the others off and drives back to his house. He sees no other car in the driveway so his mom isn't home. He pulls into the driveway and hops out. He goes in and sees his mom asleep on the couch. "At least he was nice enough to drop her off." His mom works as a sex worker and they usually go to Damien's house. One time, one of the men cooked them dinner. He walks up his stairs and opens his creaky door and falls on his bed. He gets multiple text and he takes a nap. He wakes up 30 minutes before they leave and they managed to get Kate, Blake, and Yui. He gets ready and walks downstairs and sees his mom gone again and gets in his car, throws his stuff in the trunk and drives off to meet them at the cabin.

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