Chapter one.

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Alr enjoy the first chapter bitches xoxo
Chapter one:
Ethar's pov:
I blow out the candles to my 18th birthday cake with my mom and my best friend myra and unfortunately my father or also known as my moms ex husband, this day I finally turn i 18. I'm finally free out of this miserable life. I'm finally an adult. My mom hugs me and wishes me a happy birthday
"Honey I know your 18 now but your still not gonna live alone. Happy birthday dear" he says holding on her tears
"Thank you mama" I say and give her a kiss on the forehead
Then Myra come in and hugs me
"Happy birthday E I'm proud of you,and you've made it this far proud. BUT NOW WE NEED YOU A PARTNER GIRL" she says

Myra is lesbian she's been since she was 15 I've supported her all the way ofc she's my bsf I've known her my whole life she's older then me she's 20 years old so she's like a big sister to me.
"Thank you يا قلبي " ( my heart) i say and hug her "butttt nah I think I'm good without a lover." I say pulling away
"No no no I disagree my child I need u to have children and be a good Mother AND wife" my mother says knowing I hate those words

"Mama im not getting married خلاص" (enough) I said changing subject

My father then comes in and hugs me but I put a hand out before he does "no." I say

"Oh..happy birthday Ethar dear..I love you and now your a grown up"he says with the fakest smile ever.

"Thank you father." I say and leave but he pulls my hand back and shock is in my eyes
I pull his hands off of me
"No you don't get to touch me like that anymore. Father you never treated me like I was your daughter you treated me like garbage I will never forgive you"I tell him to make it clear. For him

"Your not gonna say you love me back? I'm your dad you were my little girl"
"Nice you said 'were' exactly. I was your your little girl until you decided that you treat me like garbage father,I always wanted to still be your little girl but your the one who changed that not me. your the reason I hate men and marriage you destroyed my life. Father I will never forget what you did but one thing I will forget is you. So take my advice and forget me. Cuz you don't have anything for me anymore ya baba. Pls father after this night forget me." I clear it for him.

"You've made it clear that you hate me,did I ever do something wrong did I really treat you that bad?My daughter I still loved you and I did it all out of love and care for you" he tries to convince me but he will never convince me that he loves me or that he actually Cares or ever cared no I've made up my mind.



"Your not even my father anymore." I finally say and with the look on his face he is shocked by what I said but I couldn't care less about him i see the look on my mom and she sees how I am "I see. Happy birthday" he says and leaves THANK GOD HE DID
‎"الحمد الله he left" (thank god)Myra says and I chuckle

I'm glad I let that weight of my chest,my mother comes in and hugs me she knows how much I hate him and she never told me I was wrong she her self hated him but she wasn't that mother that after divorcing him that told me bad stuff about him she told me good stuff about him but my dad was the one who treats me like shit and abused Me.
I will always hate him.

"My lovely daughter. I'm proud of you but you shouldn't have yelled at you father" she tells me
"Mama don't call him my father second it should have been done ages ago." I tell her

"As long as your happy I'm happy"she tells me and pulls away from the hug
"Thank you ya mama I appreciate you being by my side" I tell her and we go back to eating the cake and put some music on

Me and Myra talk and she tells me how they likes this girl and I hear them out (Myra's pronouns is she/they) she talks about it the girl "she literally says that her boyfriend has cheated on her and now she wants me to like help her get over it,HOW DO I HELP HER GET OVER IT?"she says nervously
"M pls do clam down firstly secondly I think she has feelings for u and she isn't sure about how it like to like a girl remember the first time u liked a girl it was the same as her so try talking to her about it maybe? Idk but I see that you felt the same as her when u first liked a girl" I tell her even tho I'm Muslim and it's forbidden in our religion but I support her it's not like I'm gay? I support her and even my mother supports her too and I like that.

"You know I think your right. HOW ARE YOU ALWAYS RIGHT?!" She questioned "idk I just am" I alight her and smile at her

Myra is gonna sleep over tonight so me and her and my mom sit in our fort that we've made out of boredom and playing truth or dare.
"Ethar truth or dare?" My mom asks
"Hmm dare"I say taking my time to think "I dare u to call papa Jon's and flirt with the guy on the phone" she tells me and smirks
"MAMA! Come on" I say cuz I know what she's doing she's trying to find me a man to marry
"What? It's a dare dear" she chuckled with Myra "you to?" I say to Myra
"I mean it's just a dare Ethar" she chuckles
"Fine gimme me the phone" I roll my eyes

I press the numbers on the phone and it rings and put the phone on speaker, they finally pick up and the man on the line says "Hey this is papa Jon's what would you like to order?" he says and from his voice he sounds tired

"Hey can I get a margarita pizza with a side of your number.." I smirk on the phone
"Excuse me?" He says
"You heard me..can I get a margarita pizza with a side of your number pls" I say again trying not to laugh
"Oh so I heard right Um what size do you want your pizza?" He says,he's no fun
"Medium pls" I say and give him the address
I close the phone and look to Myra and my mom
"Well that was a fail" I say and we all start laugh

After half an hour we get bored of the game and the door rings
"Pizza is here!" I yell and wear something on my head and go open the door

I open the door and a handsome tall man stands there with the pizza and he talks "oh ah here's the margarita pizza" he says and he sounds like the guy on the phone

I open the box and there was on the box his number

"Smooth" I smile to him "hey your the one who asked for it" he smirks he looked cute I'm ngl but I don't know if I ready for a relationship?
"Call me later mayeb we can hang out?" He says "I'll think about it" I smirk and pay him "It's fine no need to pay its on me" he smiles and his dimples are shown and ngl it was pretty I love dimples

"No really it's fine" I say "no. Take the pizza it's on me" he says and leaves with no space for me to talk
I go back in and give them the pizza "what took you so long?"myra asks
"Remember the guys I flirted with on the phone? He came and delivered the pizza and gave me his number and said that the pizza is on him" I say all in one breathe

"MY PLAN WORKED" my mother yells excitedly "mama chill I'm not going out with him." "You have to HE GAVE YOU HIS NUMBER!"shes says
"Mama come on I barely even know him!" I say "we'll get to know each other then." She says and takes the pizza and leaves

We go watch a movie and my mom goes to sleep and me and Myra are still awake and we both go to sit on the roof,our safe spot.


See y'all next chapter

Bye bitches xo

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2023 ⏰

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