The Call

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"Hey Felix, its Anthony..."
"Oh hey bro, what's up?"
"You won't believe it.."
"What happened?"
"Ian........committed suicide....."
"Ian is dead....."
"Why did he to that?"
"He was getting cyber bullied"
"By who? Fans?"
"Haters, so many haters..."
"Oh no, Anthony, I'm sooo sorry..."
"Its okay, I just hope I don't do something stupid...."
"Good, well I got to go, me and Marzia are going to get Edgar and Mia new leashes.."
"Okay, enjoy you love life, bye"
"Bye, and stay strong Anthony.."
"Okay, bye"
Anthony starts to cry more and more, till the door bell rang, "COMING!", Anthony walks to the door and saw Mark at the door, "Anthony, you okay bud?" "Did you here? Ian committed suicide, he's dead....", Mark's face was in aw, he looked so upset, " Why, why would he to such a thing?" "He was getting bullied...", Mark was pretty bummed, he hugged Anthony as tears ran down Anthony's face, " Anthony, when is the funeral?" "Its in two days, why?" "Go to the funeral, tell people how much you loved him, and just know he will always be alive, just not in person, there is life after death, just know that." "Thanks Mark" "Don't mention it, now let's go do something fun, Ian would want you to be doing that instead of being depressed all day." Anthony nodded, grabbed the keys and walked out the door.

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