Episode 2: Climb For Your Life

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Mystery walked over to "the building blocks to an awful breakfast".

"Hey guys, I just thought I'd let you know. Not only will our viewers be voting, but you will all also have to vote for someone. You can discuss together if you wish, but voting will be done one by one privately." MJ walked away.

"Well, um- I uh... I think we should all vote for Raindrop! I mean, sure, I accidentally gave Mysterious a cruddy name for our team, but at least I contributed! Raindrop didn't say a single thing that whole time!" Bamboo said.

"Besides, what help is he gonna be if he's always got his eyes covered." Bamboo added.

Raindrop started stomping in place and pointing at the ground in front of him, which had all his team name suggestions written on it, to get Bamboo's attention. 

"I can't talk!" He signed. 

Bamboo just stared at him.

Toasty face palmed. "He's mute, Bamboo. And he always has his eyes covered because he's blind."

"O-Oh..." Bamboo said. "Well then ignore everything I just said! I'll be right back!" She ran off.

"Are we all in agreement we're voting her off?" Strawberry asked.

They all nodded.

"I think it'll just benefit her, too... She can hopefully keep herself out of more trouble if she's not on the show." Toasty said.

Mysterious came back.

"Alright! I got all of your votes already." MJ said.

"Wait how-" Lego Brick asked. 

"I can do anything, remember? I read your minds." Mystery said.

"Freaky." Strawberry said.

Mysterious snapped and they were in a completely new place they'd never even seen before.


"Where is this?" Toasty asked. 

"It's our elimination cave. I had to improvise." Mystery Jar said. 

"Alright, let's just cut to the chase then, shall we? We got the grand total of....! Two votes." Mysterious said.

"Two....... Hundred? Two... what?" Strawberry asked.

"Nope! Just two!" Mystery said.

"Oh. How many viewers exactly are there?" Strawberry wondered. 

"Eh, twenty, give or take." Mystery Jar answered.

"Alright, that does mean three of you got zero votes, wanna guess who?" 

"Not really." Toasty answered. 

"Well, lucky for you, you're one of them. The other two being Strawberry and Raindrop." She snapped and slice of cake appeared in each of their hands.

"I don't think I'm hungry-" Strawberry said, staring at the strawberry flavored cake.

"I had to improvise. I didn't really think the prizes through. There will be a different prize each elimination, so don't you worry your little red self about a thing." Mystery said.

"Anyway. Lego Brick is safe with only one vote. Bamboo is eliminated with five votes." Mystery snapped Lego Brick a slice of cake.

"Oh... I see.... I understand. It was great being friends with you guys while it lasted, though!" Bamboo said.

"Here, Bamboo. You can have this." Strawberry said, handing her the cake. 

"I may not have won an actual prize, but I won-"

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