Chapter 6: Flight 2763

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3rd Person POV

Some time has passed, but now everyone chose their seats. Leafy and Firey tried to find a free row, which they eventually did, but then questioned themselves who's gonna sit next to the window. Leafy has rarely been on a plane, unlike Firey, and she enjoys watching the vast view after take-off, so it's only fair for her to sit there, which the flame had to respect and accept. Once everyone was seated, Four counted every single object on the plane, until they realized something: "Hey, wait a minute! Where is Spongy!?" An answer from one of the middle rows was heard. It was Loser's wheezy voice. "Four, don't you know? He has his own private jet! And besides, I do not think that he would fit in one of these small seats."
Four had no choice but to accept the facts given to them: "Ohhh, that makes sense. Alright, we'll let him fly by himself, as long as he knows where we're going."
This entire situation with Spongy caught them off-guard, they still had to establish the rules of the flight. "Now what was I gonna explain again... RIGHT, the rules!" By surprise, they fired up all the rules at once like a machine gun: "No smoking, no screaming, no swearing, no horse-playing, no throwing objects, no killing yourself and others and no getting off from your seats! ...And YES, SEATBELTS!"
Yeesh, that's a mouthful of rules to memorize throughout this trip. Once everyone buckled their seatbelts, Four entered the very front of the plane where X was preparing everything for the flight. Wow, so many buttons! How come X be so good at remembering all of their functions? After taking a big glance at everything in the cockpit, Four took the co-pilot seat and waited for X to start the plane.

Firey's POV

I'm sure that the flight would be long, but I didn't really care much about that yet. I heard a few complaints about how cold the cabin was, but that's no fuss for me. Leafy did not bother the cold as well, because I was right next to her, making her feel nice and warm, just the perfect temperature. We saw raindrops making their way down the window, that gave me a satisfying feeling. Something very unique and almost indescribable. The engines suddenly started to turn on, causing the cabin to shake just a little. From what I know about planes is that there is some sort of check-list that the pilots have to go through before taking off... my sparks, this is gonna be a long flight.

3rd Person POV

After a while has passed, X made this announcement: "Alright everyone, we're ready and cleared for take-off!" The excitement rose back up from the cabin again. Full ignition was used and everyone was able to feel the speed of this powerful plane. The aircraft took off moments later after the start. What an amazing view! The landing gear was raised shortly after the plane went airborne, making a weird noise that was kind of painful to listen to. As the plane gained more altitude, the temperature sunk down in a very quick pace. Balloony was one of the passengers that felt the cold breeze in the aircraft. "Ohhh man. I'm soooo cold!" His body was shaking, only the smallest motions though, but it was still uncontrollable for him. Flower next to Balloony offered him a sweater after saying: "Then why not try one of my sweaters from my new fashion line?" He agreed and put it on. It actually helped a lot, he was feeling way warmer now. Flower thinks that Balloony cute in one of her sweaters, so she took a selfie with him, which he accepts, but his assurance is not noticeable.
Mostly throughout this very long flight, almost everyone used their electronic devices. No worries! They were all set to Airplane Mode.
Leafy had nothing better to do but to enjoy this wonderful view she could see from out of the window. The formation of the clouds had so many differences, she could even notice some pictures being made: a dog, an apple, a letter. Endless amounts of clouds were all around the aircraft, Leafy could easily imagine this being a kingdom of clouds. She's desperate to dream about her flying in the sky, living in this kingdom, being the queen of clouds with proud and honor. She turned over to Firey and said: "Ohh boy, this flight is so amazing, I think I could stay up for hours!" Firey giggled and replied: "Well, I wouldn't say that, you can easily fall asleep in a very long flight like this one" "Hmm, you're right."

A few hours later, pretty much everyone was asleep, and they were only halfway there. Even Four in the cockpit was getting really tired. X was pretty much as tired as Four, but they're unable to engage the autopilot if they'd want to rest. The plane could stall anytime if the autopilot would turn itself off so there has to be someone awake and in control, well only X could do anything about it at this point.
The flight went on for what it felt like 'ages', but after a very long time of traveling, they arrived at their destination. It was about time to find out how special this island really is.

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