My Brother's Boyfriend (Part 2)

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The next day everyone was gathered in living room expect the youngest one of the family.
He didn't came out of his room. Locked himself in his safe place for now.

His mother trued so hard to call him, his father even warned him to brake the door but the younger didn't bothered to open the door or even speaking something, anything.

The grandma suggested them to leave the boy on his own as he is mature enough to be okay on hi own.
The truth is, she knows her grandson more than anyone in the house.

More than the father.

After all, they both are each other's favourites.

Taehyung called his best friend that night. Crying himself over a cruel thing, he ever witnessed for himself and libed that but that had actually broke his heart. The teenage has cried his heart till whole day and in night, he tried to ask some help from his bestie.

Jimin said that he will visit him tomorrow as it's already late night. So he again slept himself till his thoughts got tangled with his heavy sleep.

He actually tired himself to sleep.

The door bell rang and the new family member was first to stood and went to open the door.

He opens the door and there stood a pink hair boy with his chubby face. Hands entangled with each other while a pretty smile was dancing on his lips.

The male titled his head to admire the cute teen standing there blushing.

"um_hii. I'm Jimin, Taehyung's best friend. Is he home?" he asked, pointing his little, chubby finger inside the hall.

"ah_yes, he is home but he isn't opening his room door and not even talking to anyone. I didn't even get to see him. But are you sure, he will talk to you?"

Jimin only stared at the male. The voice is soft and concerned. Taehyung must be feeling damn right now. It's not easy to face such a harsh truth.

This is the guy, Taehyung is crazy about! Oh my!!!

" jungkook, who's there? " jimin's eyes left the male to look behind him.

"oh hey jimin. How are you boy?" Bogum came behind jungkook and puts his hand on his back while he talked with the boy there.

"hello hyung. I'm fine. Thank you. How have you been?" he asked back. Watching the male shifting away from his said boyfriend.

"same here boy. Oh did Taehyung call you to come?" jimin nodded his head. His eyes every time flicks over the other male.

"yes. Can I go now hyung?" he asked them. Hands gripping the backpack's starp.

Bogum nods his head and jimin bowed them.

"nice to meet you jungkook hyung." the said male smiled and nodded his head.

Jungkook thought for a moment before he spoke up.

"can i join you too jimin?" jimin and Bogum looked at him as they weren't expecting this from him.

"um _actually I didn't get to meet him yesterday, so-" he explained himself as he felt two pair of eyes on him.

"ah_yes of course hyung." jimin was happy that the male is willing to join him as his best friend will be happy to see him.

They both move away from there to go to tye younger's room.
Jungkook was actually happy to see the younger as he never got to see him and the family members boosted his curiosity to meet the younger by telling him how amazing the youngest child is.

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