Sky and city

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Gods I hope I can see them again.

But until I do these views are breathtaking enough to momentarily take my mind off her
Though her eyes were far more beautifully captivating than any night in Paris. Or indeed any flight in Paris.

That deep red far outshone the feathery yellow light of the breathing city below me. I was almost sure that she had some sort of stupid siren power, but no, she was far more alluring than any monster could be...

Now I think about it this could just be what Mistletoe calls my little problem of 'falling in love with people you can't have because your an idiot and also have a bad case of daddy issues'.

But I think that when mistletoe says that she is really just show casing a chronic case of 'tried to be the therapist friend from a young age because you are deffo an eldest sibling from a tricky family but found out that you are too mean so just decided to call people out instead'.
To be honest I reckon that I'm too fabulously incredible to have daddy issues so that can't be it.

It just that- that woman- she was like taking the first breath of clean air after living for months underground, like the first snowdrops after winter that show us that not all is dead and gone.

She was as close to perfect as I believe a human could ever dare to be.

Unfortunately my thoughts were so very rudely interrupted by hearing a mistletoe's voice slightly below my head. I rolled over in the sky so that I could slow down enough so I wouldn't hurt myself while I slid the ear piece back into place.

" Sup Mistle, what's going on down that end?" I said deciding it was about time the lovely people back at base got to hear my soothing voice again. Mistletoe didn't seem to agree.

Wow someone sounded cranky.
"What ever could you be so upset about?" I questioned not trying to hide the sarcastic tones in my voice, "I ,your most incredible and competent member, have got the old papers you require!"

I heard a very familiar sigh that was most likely followed by pursed lips and a sharp inhale. Rude, really, I had just risk life and limb to get these papers for him.

"Yes you did get the papers buzzard." This felt like it had a 'but' coming.
There it was.
"But you gave the other side the most crucial information that you could have given them."

Ok that was not fair. I could have given them the location of the base. But did I?
No. I didn't. Because I am the  best at my job!
"Look mistle-"
"Thistle, Buzzard."
"Thistle-" (I really didn't feel like pushing my luck right now) "I think we should focus on the many positives of this mission..."
My sentence faded out as I lazily rolled in the sky, after all was times like this that made life seem bearable again.

Time where I could watch the building below me slowly start to sleep as the last of the business people left their busy schedules for the first time that day.

Times where I could watch the city come alive in a whole new way as the night life thrives with party goers.

Times where you felt less alone than ever despite being the only person in the sky for miles.

With my second favourite view laying below me, I let my eyes drink it in as though they hadn't tasted water in years.

Each building seemed to stretch up to me and I let my fingers dangle as I tried in vain to root my self deeper to a city I shouldn't have been attached to in the first place.

The occasional night goers below me swayed and danced past the lights that barely covered every part of the street. Their colourful clothes were a stark contrast to the homes and shops that separated each road from the last; creating this intricate maze of music, laughter and light.

As much as I loved the city of romance during the day, to fly over its beauty in the dark was truly something else. And it ment I don't have to worry about the officers on the street seeing my face for a little too long.

If I could pick only one thing to see for the rest of time this would be a close second.

But just as I was considering staying in the air until my wings fell of in exhaustion, I noticed the base coming quickly into view. Wow my euphoria seemed short lived now.
I guess this could still go well?
I bet I'm gonna fly in the window and their gonna say "Buzzard well done, we think you are a valuable member of this team!"

Maybe I shouldn't fly in through the window...

I'll use the door. If I accidentally break another window Mistletoe is gonna kill me.
But it's not my fault that windows are so- so see through!
I let my wings guide me to the floor, haphazardly repositioning my body so I wouldn't face plant the alley-way as they did.

Smoothing out my badass black suit jacket (yes I know not practical, but boy do I look hot) I looked at the door ahead of me.
I flapped the edges of my suit jacket (man I hope someone could see how cool I probs look) and  I finally put my hand on the knocker...

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