Worry warts

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I put my hand on the knocker...
Three times I knocked, the dull metal creaked and announced my arrival to the building as I did.
A small hatch in the door opened in response.
"Que?" A woman barked through the door.
Ah Lilly, always so welcoming.

"It's your fav roommate honey"

"Oh ghost, I didn't know you were able to leave yet!" She teased.

"Ha ha ha a comedian as always. Any chance you'll open the door darling'?" I said in a low voice, leaning in closer to the hatch in the otherwise solid door.

"I mean I guess so, since you asked so nicely sweetheart," how I missed her sarcasm in my short trip away.

The door creeped open revealing the woman and corridor behind it.
I stepped through the threshold feeling relieved of the warm air around Lilly after my  frigid flight.

"The boss and Thistle are waiting for you in the office by the way." Lilly relayed as we strolled down the carpeted corridor. Harsh bulbs above highlighting the sweat on my forehead and the scars on Lilly's. "One of them is definitely more pleased to see you alive than the other." We turned to walk up the stairs, both jumping over the first step to avoid ghost. That cat always slept in the places that people needed to step. "I'll give you three guesses who." She continued

"Omg I cannot believe that old mistle toe is STILL mad about that! It been like- what an hour?"
"5o minutes actually, and you did use your ability. You know how Thistle gets about that!" Lilly said bumping into my arm as we stepped on to the landing.

"Yeah but I did what I had to do to get outta there!" I defended.
We turned again at the end of this corridor which lead to yet more stair (for fucks sake, really?).  Forget actually planning cardio, this house gives me all the cardio I need.

"You know Thistle does kind of have a bit of a point..." Lilly trailed off glancing at me.

"Yeah if the point is to follow regulations and be super boring with escape roots! I mean we're spy's for fucks sake! We should have some fun!" I exclaim.

Lilly turns to face me halfway up the stairs. I feel much more than the bubble of heat she creates, I feel the warmth on her skin and the panicked pulse as we stand squished. She grabs my hand and I stand there. I stand there in utter shock.
What on Earth was wrong with her?

"Lilly are you ok?" I asked. I took this moment to rest my hand on the smooth banister that Lilly was leaning on as she looked up at me; wide eyed, pinched eyebrows and wrinkled forehead painted on her face.

"I know you don't love the regulations, but-"her voice wobbled as she continued, "it's getting more dangerous out there-" cracks broke through her delicate voice as it shrunk to nearly a whisper and I caught myself leaning in to hear her properly. " And the other side is getting more violent. And I don't know what if do if it was too much and *hic* they caught yo*sob* you or you got hurt-"

"Hey hey hey, look at me darling," she stopped rubbing her watery eyes and stared up at me with a shining face. " I'm gonna be fine, I mean this is me that we're talking about!" Lilly let a broken laugh escape her lips. Look at me helping! Who's bad at people stuff now huh Mistletoe!
Opening up my arms I become engulfed by heat as Lilly hugs me. Petting her head in an effort to comfort her and rubbing small circles into her small back.

"Right. Well we should get moving," Lilly announced, stepping back and wiping her eyes as she did so.

"Yeah wouldn't want to be late for old Henny now would we!" I teased elbowing her arm yet again as she giggled.

"You are gonna get in real trouble one day buzzard!"

"You'd better be there when I am, ma Cheri ." I winked back.
I would never get tired of Lilly. She was truly my soulmate. How lucky for her!

We stopped in front of the small door. Its colourful handle a sight for sore eyes. My fingers ghosted the knocker. Oh god I hope Hen wasn't mad. I don't think I can survive another lecture.

" Good luck! Me and ghost will be waiting!" Lilly rubbed my shoulder and gave me a softened glance. "And tell Mistletoe hi for me. And to come see me more often... I miss him."

"Will do!" I met her gaze.
Now facing the door again I could hear the clacking and clicking of her shoes as she hopped down the stairs.
"OI LILLY!" I hung over the banister to get closer to her. "Don't forget to feed ghost!"

She held her hand to her chest. Her eyes wide and her mouth in a O, as she mocked a state of betrayal.
"Uh how dare you! As if I could forget about our most esteemed unfurry companion!"

"Wellll... you did forget about Jimmy the blind..."

"That was a fucking fish. A plastic fish."

Now I was the one with wide eyes and a mocking tone.
"He was real to me Lilly!"
"Just go to your meeting!" She called trying (and failing) to suppress a giggle.

I opened the door and stepped inside the small office. Hen was sitting on her desk and good old Thistle was standing in front of her, probably talking about some sort of nerd thing.

"Greetings my lady," I nodded to Hen as I took another step into the room with a bow, " And greeting most esteemed Mistletoe." I added before straightening up.

Hen looked at me almost apologetically. That was weird. Why would she need to apologise for  anything?

I soon got my answer as the door behind me slammed the door and Mistletoe spin round to face me.

"Buzzard." Uh oh Mistletoe sounded calm. Why did he sound calm? Did he do something? Did I do something? OMG am I dying?

"Why in all hell's circles did you do that?"
Ah. I was properly in trouble this time wasn't I?

Gods just take me now! At least you will have more mercy than Mistletoe!
"Well buzzard? Did your brain take a holiday or something you idiot!"
This is it. This is how I die. I'm sorry I couldn't give you one last treat, ghost. I'm sorry I dropped your toothbrush accidentally and didn't tell you, Lilly. I'm sorry I never got to ask you on a date, beautiful agent with stunning eyes!

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