Nice To Meet You

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Abby Rhiya Downer lay in her dorm room waiting to fall asleep. In her head, she had successfully written a full chapter of her story, done the entire laundry, and planned tomorrow's meals at reasonable times. Now she was fighting the urge not to go back and tweak all the things she didn't do just a little to make them just a tiny bit better.

Abby was working tomorrow. Her shift started at 11 and ended at 9. Even though her work was within walking distance from her dorm, Abby insisted on waking up at 8, just so she could have that extra time just in case something came up, although nothing usually did come up so that extra time went into waiting for the time to leave. Now Abby needed to go to sleep, so tomorrow she could wake up get ready and wait an hour before leaving.

Rhiya worked at a bookstore. It was her first job and it didn't pay much, but enough to get by on. She had worked there for the past year and she enjoyed doing so. She liked being swarmed with customers during the holiday season and she liked the peace that came with summertime as everyone left for the beaches or the mountains. She liked conversing with regular customers and she liked making fun of people who probably didn't deserve it but she'll never see them again, and besides, it's behind their back, so they'll never know.

As she thought of what she would someday do she slowly drifted off to sleep.

A/N: What you just read was pure impulse. This chapter would not be here had I let myself go back and edit anything. I just wanted to write and publish something and I did, and now I don't know where to take this story.
If you have any ideas for where you want the story to go, please leave comments and I will incorporate your suggestions in the following chapters. It would help me out a whole lot in moving along with the story, at the time of writing this note I don't even have a title.
Hope you enjoyed it, thank you for taking the time to read my story💕

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