Chapter 1: I brave a hungry mob

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Debt: 10 churros.

Paid: 0 churros

I stared down at the churro stand. It stood there lonesome, proud to be the only one of its kind. The rest of the sororities had tried to sell vegan grass. While the fraternities were selling legal grass.

In this scenario, the churro stand shone like a beacon of real food. Unfortunately, the rest of the population thought the same.

The annual athletics meet was in full swing. Against my consent, I was dragged into participating as an audience by my new roommate and her friend. And the so-called friend, jumped a bit too much in the sun.

So now she was low on sugar and on the verge of fainting.

I was on a mission. A mission to secure sweets so that 'Low BP' didn't die.

But this was the athletics meet at a major STEM university. Hordes of zombie students were crowding the stand. It wouldn't be long before the stand ran out of churros. After which, it was a 10-minute jog to the nearest cafeteria.

I believed in not wasting my energy.

Hence, this mission was of utmost importance. I cracked my neck and rolled my shoulders.

I was from Mumbai, India. Crowds did not scare me.

I analyzed the clusterfuck of people to find the weakest link. It was a slim chance, but I had to take it. I took a deep breath and marched over, and then I was in the chaos.

I raised my hands to my face and elbowed everyone while making tsking sounds and crying out in faux pain.

It's a skill, people. A skill to be this irritating and heartless in a crowd. You wouldn't understand.

I reached the counter and glared at the scared boy shaking with his tongs.

"One! Churro pack! Now!" I shoved the 10-dollar bill in his face. He retrieved the packet from under the table, I snatched it from him. And then I was spat out from the crowd in less than 3 seconds.

Enough time for the scared vendor boy to announce, "we're out! There's nothing left! Spare my life!"

The crowd stopped buzzing and turned to me with murder in their eyes. I flipped my hair and walked away.

Mission accomplished.

I had only taken 10 steps away from the cart when I felt the presence of another person beside me. The sun's glare was obstructed and then replaced with a bright face.

I blinked up.

He smiled at me and ran a hand through his hair, fluffing his bangs. He was pretty. A square jawline, nice eyebrows and brown twinkling eyes.

I stopped. He stopped with me, his smile slowly turning apologetic.

I raised a brow.

He opened his mouth, his jaw worked for a while and then he said, "you are Amaya."

"Well, thank you for reminding me my own name. I suppose that would be all?"

His cheeks turned pink and he averted his eyes.

I turned on my heel, maintaining a brisk jog. He easily caught up to me in a few strides. His legs were long.

"I mean, please," he stood in front of me once again, his ears were pink now, "I, that's not, what I wanted to say. I mean."

I sighed, "decide what you want to say and then open your mouth."

He snapped his jaw shut and winced. I might have come off ruder than I intended to... but that's how it was with me. I sighed exasperatedly. This is why I hate interaction. It's exhausting and I could never seem to please anyone.

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