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3 weeks. 3 weeks until I go back to hogwarts. For the past 6 weeks draco has been on and off.  We haven't seen each other but we write each other  alot. most the times hes sweet to me but some of the time he can be a real piece of work.

"Kalla darling" my mother walks into my room and I look at her. "me and Igor are going on holiday  to France for our 4 year anniversary  we won't be back by the time you go school so this is basically goodbye until winter break" I was sad but my mother  had a gigantic smile on her face and I didn't  want to see it fade.  "have fun mother." i smile. "you really think I'm leaving you by yourself. You staying with the malfoys and will be returning to hogwarts with them." my face drops.

at the moment draco wasn't being the nicest to me so I don't  want to see his reaction  when he gets told I'm staying  with him for 3 weeks."stop day dreaming  Kalla there expecting you around 1 so lunch time hurry up and pack and get dressed." she leaves my room and I immediately  start packing.


Once I finished packing I changed into a long sleeve turtleneck grey body suit with a short black and grey plaided skirt and my black converse trainers."come on Kalla your gonna make us late for our holiday were gonna apparate you outside the Malfoy Manor" my mother yells from the stairs like she always does.

I leave my hair down and put some lip balm on and no make up before running down the stairs with my trunk. I grab my mother's hand as she apparates me outside the Manor.  I turn around  to give her a goodbye hug but she was already  gone.  I sigh and knock on the door and Narcissa opens it.

"Kalla sweetheart come on In its wonderful to see you again." i smiles. "thanks for having me Mrs Malfoy" she gives me a small smile. "ill just call draco down so he can say hi" oh great I.  Dreading it.

"Draco son come Down please" she shouts  and an elf takes my trunk and walks off with it. Draco walks down the stairs shirtless. "Kalla what are you doing here." before I could answer  his dad walks in. 

"draco, boy put a shirt on its basic manners, Kalla darling  how are you" he shakes my hand. "ah dad she's doesn't  mind seeing me like this isn't that right Kalla."  he smirks at me before opening his arms.  "come give your fiance a hug don't be rude." grins what in the world is up with him.

I hesitate but slowly  walk to him and give him a hug. He squeezes me tight.  "what is wrong with you." I ask as he hugged me tight.  "I missed you that all." liar.  "you don't like me."  he cuts me off "nooo stop I dont dislike you I just don't like you your a mutual person." I roll my eyes.

I pull away from him. "what are you doing here."  he crosses his arms. "she staying here for the rest of the summer holiday." his face drops in annoyance. "what the hell no. I don't want he'd here" OK why is always  hurting my feelings.

"too bad draco she's staying  and youre going to be nice to her." Lucius tells him.  Draco rolls his eyes before he storms off back upstairs. I turn to Narcissa and she shrugs.  Draco was annoying me badly he so on and off and it's bothering and confusing me. I walk away and up the stairs and into his dark themed room. He was layed there on his bed his back against  the head board with a book in one hand and the other behind  his head.

He looks at me before looking back at his book. "go away Kalla." I ignore him and sit on the edge of the bed. He sighs putting his book down. "what do you want." he asks. "what is wrong with you" he sits up straighter.  "OK just because your staying here does not mean i want you talking to me or that I open up to you" he folds his arms over his chest.

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