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Charlie Nott
Age 17

When we were younger our parents made birthdays a big deal. We have a lot of birthday traditions; we'd always get woken up by our parents brining in a candle lit muffin in the morning, we'd always get to choose the breakfast, we were given the choice of what to do for the day and then we'd have a dinner with the Malfoy's and Zabini's. Birthdays have always been a happy memory, but school changes that. We don't get awoken up by out parents and we don't get to choose what we do all day. Birthday's now are kind of terrible. They are just a constant reminder that you're growing older and you can't be irresponsible forever. Soon I will be eighteen and facing adulthood without the comfort of education.

Ava's birthday's were always the calmest, still are and probably always will be. She'd choose her birthday to force us to do things like painting, or going to the ballet. Personally, I hated all of her birthdays when growing up but she's Ava and I'd rather punch through a wall with my bare hands than upset her. Even now. I don't think I could bare the torment of Ava being upset with me; mainly because she can be unforgiving and stubborn. But also because I find a sense of comfort in her, she's one of the only people I don't feel like I have to act anything around.

"Happy Birthday baby Nott!" William shouts as we walk into the great hall. More than a few people turn and look in our direction as I walk in with Kai and Will. People will always look, especially if we're in a group, it's always been like that. It gives you a sense of power. The popularity does make you feel important. It makes it seem like people care. I don't know if they do.

Kai is hungover, I'm not even sure who he was with last night but he looks rough. He was probably with some girl, but he hasn't bragged about who it is. That could mean it didn't go to plan or it isn't someone new and he has no bragging rights. 

"Does it bother you" Kai says quietly as we approach the Slythrin table, I give him an questioning look. "Ava and Ezra?" He nods at them slightly. I frown at his words and look over at Ezra and Ava sat in silence, him reading a book and Ava cutting up her food. I suppose their relationship is a strange one, they aren't friends but they aren't not friends. I've never given them much thought; never given their relationship much thought.

I don't have a chance to reply to him because we reach the table.

"Happy Birthday" I say sitting down next to Ava and wrapping an arm around her shoulders, she briefly lent into me but Ava doesn't like physical touch. She never has, it makes her seem a bit cold hearted. It doesn't offend people who actually know her though. 

"Thanks" She smiles as she pulls away from me slightly. 

"One year left" Kai muses smirking as Sofia glares in his direction, he sits opposite me, next to Ezra. I send him a glare as well, for good measure. I don't believe that Kai would go near Ava in that way, I also don't think Ava would go near him. "I'm joking" He mocks a surrender with his hands but he still winks in Ava's direction. It only causes him to receive an eye roll in return. "Don't act so disgusted, you know you want me." 

"I didn't realise I was so transparent" Ava replies the sarcasm dripping of her voice. Kai grins at her, and surprisingly she smiles back. 

"Happy Birthday!" Elise squeals, appearing from nowhere. Elise is grinning, with her deep dimples appearing on both of her cheeks. She's holding a cake, decorated beautifully and elegantly. Ava's eyes widen at it as she places it in front of her. I watch as Will eyes it, eager for a taste. Will is a sucker for sweet things; he's always had a sweet tooth. Elise sits down next to Ava, which she rarely does. Elise doesn't socialise at the Slytherin table a lot, she is an Hufflepuff. 

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