Writing Master

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Hey humans,

So, here we are, at the end of Master ughhhh, it doesn't even feel right saying that. 

I started writing Master in November 2019, so this has been a very long journey. I mean, that's more than 2 years, but it went by in the blink of an eye, at least for me.

Honestly, when I started Master, it was supposed to be a short, fluffy, cute book about an old, miserable vampire and a ray of sunshine boy. I think we'd all agree that it did start off like that, but I guess you can't keep the imagination down because look at where we are now.

Vampires, elves, a whole fucking war and species takeover - madness.

I NEVER envisioned this book ever exploring the fantasy element of the supernatural genre as much as I did here. I think more than any of my other books, Master really made me feel like I was in a whole new world, and the fact that I was discovering parts of it with the characters really just made me happier than ever writing it.

I had little hints of what Kalem would be, even before I knew it, but that's kind of how my brain works, but for me, I think I really started to notice that this book was heading down new lanes when Wequie, Malcolm and Lincoln went on their mini-adventure to the Anouk Clan.

It was only a few chapters, but that was a big shift for me in terms of how large-scale Lincoln's mission really was, and that turning point I feel like I'll kind of cherish forever.

I lovedddddddddd writing Master.
Words can not express enough how fucking much I love this book.

I know it's really different from my other works, and it does need a lot of work in terms of the ideas that I developed through it, but this was really just me letting my writing go for itself, and I am so happy with the product.

Like I said, this was me really exploring fantasy, a genre I've always written in but never truly explored. This was my chance at that, and I love it so much.

Kalem is literally the sweetest character I've written yet, but every time I got to his chapter, I left with a smile on my face, and I feel like a lot of you may have gotten that too. It's nice sometimes, just to have a good person, who's innocent (not sex wise lol) and sees the world through rose-tinted glasses.

Kalem has gone through so much, too much, but I just love how to the end, he's still fundamentally the lovely boy we knew from the very start.

I also love the concept of him understanding that he's truly free, that there's nothing left, no more boxes to tick or people to please or safe, because even without his memories, he was really just trying to save people since losing Zhoron. And for him to have that moment at the end, it just makes me feel so complete.

As for Lincoln, ugh, I could cry thinking about how far Lincoln has come.

When we first met him, he was the miserable old man who spent too much time alone, denying all the things he really wanted in life. When I reread the first chapters, I see Lincoln as so much more than what he used to present, and it just breaks my heart that he sort of suffered in silence before Kalem.

Now, Lincoln is like a whole new person and lgsfgfkg, there go the tears.
He's grown so much, along with Kalem, and they've both become so much more than I think either of them even thought.

The point is, this fluffy, happy book definitely went off track, but I'm happy that it did because now, I get to expand on a world so much bigger than I ever began with.

I know we're ending on a semi-sad note because of Aias and Malcolm, but their story will come - eventually. I originally planned to start the book right after this, but right now, I'm just focusing on one book at a time, but they will get their story, and we will see them again.

So now that we're at the end of Master - fuck - I just really want to say thank you.

Thank you for reading my book, thank you for even making it this far and seeing it through, even when it was complicated and confusing, I'm sure.
Thank you for being patient with me, for supporting me and for encouraging me to keep going.

To my silent readers, thank you for your quiet service.

To my voters, thank you for every single star.

To my comments, thank you for every single comment- funny, sad, random or not, thank you for each one.

Thank you so so so much for coming on this journey with me - from 19th November 2019 to 22nd August 2022.

Sometimes, writing is a wild thing, and for Master, I let those words run free.

I love and adore you all, all my humans, thank you for experiencing this journey with me 🧡😭💞

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