Chapter 29

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Kalem's P.O.V

Standing at the front door of Aias' Malcolm's home, I try to keep my feet on the ground but I couldn't help but bounce up and down every time I thought about why I was waiting here.

It was because Master was coming back today.

I squeal a little as I jump off my feet completely, unable to keep my happiness inside, my body was too small to contain it all. When Aias looks at me with a look of amusement, I bite my lip to stop any more happy sounds from coming out of me until I saw Master. 

Aias was excited too, I knew he missed his Malcolm a lot even if he didn't say it, he was just better at keeping his emotions inside than I was, especially his happy ones. It made sense that he could because he was taller than me so his body was bigger and could keep more inside of it.

It's been exactly four days since Master left, I counted, and though I always tried to be good for him over the phone, I missed Master very, very much. I felt sick inside without seeing him and I couldn't stop myself from crying whenever our calls came to an end and I couldn't hear his voice anymore. But even so, I'd made sure to be1 good while I waited and now Master was finally coming back.

Another sound escapes me but I don't try to stop it anymore, I knew what my body could handle.

Even though I was super happy, I was also a little nervous because now that Master was coming home, Aias would tell him and his Malcolm what I was. 

I was still trying to understand how I was an angel and a demon and an elf, it seemed like too much and I didn't want it all. I just wanted to be Kalem and nothing else, I didn't want Master to think of me differently when he found out what I did. Aias said that he wouldn't, but he wasn't my Master so there was no way to know for sure. 

But even with the way my tummy bubbled with nerves, I was too eager to see Master too focus on my worries.

"When will they be here Aias," I whine after another minute passes without any signs of Master.

"I don't know young one, they didn't give us a specific time," Aias says patiently, "That's why I suggested waiting inside."

I pout and turn back to face the long driveway that leads up the house, the minute Master's car turned the corner at the end, I would see it and he would see me waiting for him.

I couldn't wait to be in his arms again.

When Master finally arrives, it's not from the driveway like how he'd left a few days ago, instead, it's out of nowhere. Master's car pops right in front of the house with no warning, making me scream out in surprise and pop onto Aias who didn't even flinch - I was learning how to pop without making everything go stop around me.

When my eyes focus on Master, Aias' Malcolm and Mr.W in the car, I force myself to let go of Aias who was holding me calmly. The second Master steps out of the car that had just somehow done pop on its own, I find myself running down the stairs so I can get to him.

"Master!" I greet happily as I run to him with my biggest smile, "You're back!"

Master uses his speed to meet me halfway with a smile of his own that was bright and pretty. He picks me up suddenly and gathers me into his arms to hug me tighter than he ever had before. My entire body vibrates with joy and contentment, as I wrap my arms around Master's neck and my legs around his waist, trying to hold in my happy squeals as I melted into his arms.

Nothing felt better than being with Master.

I bury my face into his neck so I could soak in the scent of home and love that I'd missed so much.

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