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The Netherworld. The realm where all demons live and the monarch who rules is the Demon King. However, the Demon King's throne has sat empty for ages. Only the most worthy will inherit the seat of sovereignty, but who will it be?

Far our at sea, a terrible storm rock and shakes a tuna boat. inside that boast are our two protagonist finding it difficult to keep the frozen tuna cages shut. "OI You two! youre gonna be taking it over from here! Dont screw up or else im gonna be docking ur pay in half iruma!" extra yelled before running off "OkAY SIR!" both yelling at the same time

Iruma suzuki 14 year old and is being forced to work on a tuna fishing boat since there parents are selfish scumbags who refuse to work. So its all on him.

Next to him is our lovely female protagonist who got hit by trunk-san before isekai here Hizuki Shoku 15 year old who came to help his little brother with his job and accompany him so he doesn't feel lonely

Next to him is our lovely female protagonist who got hit by trunk-san before isekai here Hizuki Shoku 15 year old who came to help his little brother with his job and accompany him so he doesn't feel lonely

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(she look like this now or u can image her)

Hizuki pov

As the extra was out of sight i walk over to iruma who was struggle to hold a tuna while trying to lock the cage "here let me help" as i help him by pushing the tuna back and giving him time to lock the cage " im not gonna get by with a half paycheck" i hear iruma pants. "yes thats true but u can have mine since i dont really need it" as i told him before suddenly a tuna fell out of there cage and surprising me and iruma and than i saw another one dangling out of the cage on top of iruma "iruma move!" as i pulled him towards me as the tuna fell down on where he previously stand. "thx big sis!" he said as i let go of him and another tuna with another tuna came down as we keep dodging. when iruma was dodgeing another fish he landed on the ground and see another fish about to crush him "IRUMAAA" i yelled as i yeet myself to push the tuna before it hitt iruma. As i was about to push the tuna away i could see that time was slow and that the fish stop moving mid air making me land on the ground

"IRUMA are u okay?!" i ask him as i moved towards him

"U-ugh im fine but what happen to the fish" he ask even though i know he would eventually know.

when he finish saying that we were suddenly tied as the surrounding change as a man with horns stood in front of us "huh? ehhhh! waaaaaah?" iruma panic while im just questioning why im also tied.... " huh? big sis why arent u scared or surprise?!" he yelling ask as i just tell him i am just confused.... as we look back to the man he lifts his hand causing a piece of paper to stick to the rope saying "sold."

"huh sold? whats happening right now!!" iruma question the man as he smiled and than we see a flash of light meaning we just teleport and we are now flying in netherworld in a giant golden bubble.

"AHhhh! w-wait H-Hey W-where are we? and Who are you?!" iruma yelled to the man as im still questioning why im also kidnap....

"¶^€£~™℅^¥©£¢?:,•Δ¶}]£¢~" he said but it was the demon language and iruma didnt know as he gave a confused face " ???? come again??" iruma ask and the man snaps his fingers before talking "now, u both will understand the demon language iruma suzuki and hizuki shoku, we are in the netherworld." he said " the what?" iruma ask

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