XVII Trial

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XVII Trial

"My sister comes back home every day by 5 pm. But that day she called me; she told me she was going to come home late. That was odd because she had never done that. I waited for her.

Around midnight I tried calling her but it wasn't going through. At 3 AM. I heard footsteps, I was scared Cox I was the only one at home. The person banged on the door so loudly. I didn't want to open it." She paused and started crying.

"She called my name. I rushed to open the door. It was my sister. She was bleeding. I rushed her to the hospital but she died before we got there. Ngozi had lost a lot of blood." Ada said.

"Has she ever complained about her boss?" I asked

"Yes, she always complains of him. There was a day she came home sad. She said her boss asked her out for dinner that very Evening. But she declined. He used her work to threaten her. He told her he would fire her if she didn't come that Evening. She begged him. And then he gave her 1 week to think about it. The day she died made it exactly one week."

I sighed and looked back. Mixa, Ferd, and James were there. The sight of James disgusts me. That son of a rapist. I can't believe I'm related to them.

I looked around for Mom and Dad. I didn't see them. I felt a sharp pain in my heart. I thought I would see them today. I've missed them.

Laura all is well. Focus. You are about to get Justice

"Has she ever complained of any harassment by her boss?"

"Yes, once."

"Can you tell us about it?"

"He called her to his office. When she got there, he locked the door behind her. He began touching her, wanting to have her. She begged him but he tried forcing her. She said someone knocked. That was what saved her that day."

"Why didn't she resign?"

"She couldn't, the pay was huge. And we are in Africa, without connection, you can't get a Job."

I gave a smug smile.

"That will be all. My Lord"

I went back to sit triumphantly. I glanced at Mixa. And our gaze met. I quickly looked away and sat.

It was the turn of James Lawyer to question Ada. Everything the Lawyer was asking was gibberish. It can't stand the proof that just came out.

"There was a CCTV in his office right?" I asked the police in charge of the case, Mr Maxwell. I was questioning him.

" Yes there was, but when we checked we discovered that it was tampered with." He said

" Be explicit"

"Someone deleted the footage both in the Secretariat and outside. We saw when Mr Adewale ran after Ngozi. And that was all." He said.

"That means someone tampered with the evidence."

"We think so. Maybe he caught up with her and dragged her in. We don't know. But we are very sure that those footage that were deleted were evidence."

"Thank you very much." That will be all my Lord.

Everything went well as I hoped it would. I'm Winning the Juries over.

I looked at Mr Adewale. He was standing there.

I resent him a lot. He almost destroyed my life. Thanks To God he didn't. But I will destroy him instead.

We were done for the day. The case was adjourned until next month's ending.

That gives me enough time to gather more evidence.

Mixa, Ferd, and James went to meet him. Ferd just stood behind them. They talked to him and hugged him.

I felt Jealous and angry. Ferd saw me looking at them. I quickly continue packing up to go.

"That was a good one dear, No one would know that it was your first case." I looked up and saw Ferd.

I was happy, why? But I'm angry, yes! I am.

"What do you want?"

"You've become rude and arrogant. You need a spanking."

"I'm not in for your jokes." I walked out of his sight.

He drew me back and I was face to face with him again.

I couldn't breathe. I felt nervous.

"Laura, please forgive me. Let's start all over again. And I promise I won't disappoint you. Just give me a second chance, Please."

I looked back and saw Mixa looking at us.

"Ferd let go of me!" I said authoritatively.

"Promise me, you'll think about it. Please Laura, please "

He kept Pleading...

"OK, fine! I'll think about it."

"Thanks so much," he said and hugged me. I wasn't expecting it. So I pushed him back.

I was so nervous that I could hardly breathe

Why? I don't like this feeling.

"We are not friends yet." I walked away.

I could still feel him staring at me.

Today is a good day for me. Things are turning out well. I'm going to visit Mr Adewale this evening. I can't wait to see his face when he discovers I'm his niece. That's if his son has not told him yet. The child he molested for years. That child now has the key to his destruction. I feel good.

And I want him to know how I resent him.

I told myself

Mr Adewale was just right before me. The animal that molested me for years. All I felt was hatred for this man.

If I had not run away what would have happened to me? I thought.

"Mr Adewale!" I said

He looked at me.

"Do you know me?" I asked him.

He looked confused "No! I saw you this morning. You were in the court this morning, right? You were the Lawyer of.."

"So your son didn't tell you?" I interrupted him.

"Tell me what?"

That boy, how could he forget such important detail? Fine then, if he doesn't know. I'll tell him.

I smiled "Hello Uncle, it's your niece Morenike Johnson."

He was shocked. He was quiet and then he began crying.

"Where have you been? Have been looking for you?"

"Why? Why were you looking for me? Is it to continue with the molestation or what?"

"I wanted to ask for your forgiveness. Morenike, forgive me. I know I've hurt you badly. Forgive me, my daughter."

"Don't ever call me your daughter. The last time I checked, you didn't have a daughter. Why are you telling me this now? Is it because I now hold the key to your ruin." I laughed.

"Your crocodile tears won't change anything. I will fight till I see you destroyed.

Adewale Johnson, it's too late to say sorry. You are ruined already. I've got enough proof to incriminate you. And I'm still searching for more proof"

"Morenike, can you ever forgive me?"

"Forgive you say, you don't deserve forgiveness. You are a beast. You know the scripture says Whatever you sow, you reap. You've sown wickedness. You will reap wickedness, Mr Adewale. This is Nemesis. Take it that way and prepare yourself for what is coming." I said smiling.


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