XXII Wound

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XXII Wound

I took a cab to my place to pack a few things. My brush, some clothes, and shoes, etc.

On the center table, I saw the document Mrs. Shittu gave to me.

That was the beginning. The beginning of Justice. And the beginning of Loneliness. Tears began to cloud my eyes.

"Cheer up Laura! You're almost there. You'll win this case." I wiped off the tears flowing down my cheek. And I dashed out.

"Wow, you kept your promise." Ferd's Mom said. She was serious when she said, she would pick me up if I didn't return.

"Mom, I always keep my promise," I smirked

She walked towards me.

"If you say so. Lau I made your favorite food again but this time with fried plantain." She said, holding my hands. She let go of my hands and sat on the couch.

I tugged a smile "Thanks, Mom."

"Anything for you darling. Ferd will soon be home. I see that you are bored."

"I'm fine ma'am! I've got something to do upstairs."

"Ok, No problem."

"What's is your name young girl?" A young white man asked.

He is maybe in his thirties. His accent betrayed him. He isn't from Nigeria. I tilted, and a young lady stood beside him. She is dark in complexion and very beautiful. She was holding a little girl. The girl is the replica of the young man. She isn't as white as the young man, but she is pretty, very pretty.

I looked around, but where was I? How did I get here?

I tried sitting up, but I was told not to.

Suddenly, Flashbacks of the accident caused a sharp pain in my head.

"Where am I? I muttered.

The young lady rushed beside me, stroking my hair.

"Everything is fine honey. You are in safe hands."

Those words were sweet and heart-melting. Those were the last words of my Dad. Tears began flowing down my cheek.

"Hey, Laura! Laura!"

I jerked back to Reality.


"Hey!" I said

Ferd sat beside me on the bed. I sat up.

"You're back..." I said

"Yes... How was your day?"

"Fine! About what happened yesterday, Did you tell Mom?"

He nodded.

"Thanks so much, I appreciate it."

"Why Lau? Why? What are friends for? So what do you intend to do now."

"I need to meet Mr Maxwell. He said the CCTV was Tampered with. I need enough proof to pull down that rapist."

I picked up my phone and dialed Mr Maxwell's number.

We planned to meet in the Evening. Ferd decided to follow me.


We looked up... He waved at us, for us to join him.

We planned to meet at a park. We walked towards him.

We exchange greetings.

"The case has been adjourned till next month. We must gather enough evidence before then. You said the CCTV was Tampered with."

"Yes! The footage was deleted."

"Who might have done such?" Ferd ask.

"What about the camera in the Secretariat? Did you find anything?" I asked.

"It was Tampered with. We could only see when Ngozi entered his office and when she ran out. The rest were deleted."

"Wow! And this is Africa, there are no cameras in the street. Or are there big houses that have cameras around there?"

"I never thought of that."

"It's so suspicious. You said after she ran out, the remaining videos were gone. Why was it gone? What happened there? Did he run after her or what? I don't understand."

"Barrister Laura we'll continue investigating till we get the truth."

"Thanks so much, Mr Maxwell," I said.

He escorted us and we left.

Ferd drove us home. He parked in front of the house.

"We'll get the truth don't worry..." Ferd said...

"What happened in that room? We don't have enough evidence..."

I sat confused...

Mr Maxwell is on this case, so you don't have to worry" Ferd assured me.

But I wasn't assured. I was scared. I might lose this case if we don't get enough evidence.

I sat on the bed. I miss Mom! When I was home Mixa and I believed Mom was somewhat like a Pest. She was always pestering us. She loved us and would do anything for us.

I miss her care and affection. Whenever I was sad, she would come to my room, stroke my hair, and try to comfort me with lullabies she used to sing for us when we were younger.

Like magic, I always feel comforted. I miss all that.

Presently, I feel empty. There is a big hole in my heart. The voice of Mixa kept ringing in my ears

"I hate you, Laura. I hate you. After all, we've been through. You allowed your heart to be filled with rage and anger. And it has blinded you. You need to see yourself now. Unforgiveness has turned you into something else. I hate the Laura I see now!"

And the only thing I can do is to cry...

Why can't she understand me? I need to see Mom. I thought.

I got downstairs. As usual, Mrs Benson will be sitting on the couch facing the TV, watching her favorite program. But she wasn't there, instead, I saw Ferd.

"Where is Mom?"

"She went out with Dad. They didn't tell me where but I guess they went to have fun. Where are you going to?"

"I want to see my Mom."

"Ok! Let me go change, be right back."

"No!" I held his hands.

"You've done more than enough for me today. I want to have a private talk with her. I'll get a taxi don't worry. And I promise I won't fight with Mixa." I pleaded.


I nodded.

"Fine! you will go in my car. Take!" He handed his car key to me.

"Thanks!" I walked out.

Lots of love ❤️❤️❤️

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