Chapter 1: The Breeze

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 The cool breeze approached from the west. Just off the Devon cave, or so we called it. That is where it was found. Hidden underneath carefully placed rocks. Underneath so much earth it was found. One of the news papers made the mistake of using the word it. Since then I have been saying it instead of... So, that's how it was. All of those days, months, and decades ago. It was another time I tell myself. It was a time filled with change and change is scary. We know little of what will come, we never do. And so were things back then. A time when crime and wrong were just words people would hollow out and fill with bold words. Words, huh, it's funny really that all that terror began with a word. A word turned into a turn of the head. A turn of the head turned into a slur and a slur turned into... Well, we all know what that turned into. Now here we are decades later and a mountain of change. Here we are, enlightened people. People who know right from wrong and wrong is scarce. Right is plentiful. Right, screams from the roof tops and writes words in the sky telling us it's okay. No more wrong is around the corner from us. No more, only right.

The cool breeze persists. The summer has fallen and the autumn is here. Singing with her or his breathe. Who cares really if the breeze has a gender or not. Who cares if it is assigned male or female or other. How cares? I know I seldom bring up the topic. I know I seldom chime in and voice my "rhetoric". Personally, I couldn't care less if people were kind or burned the world to cinder. I could care less if those in power returned to some tormented time that has since left us. I couldn't care... less. Here we are. In this place of kindness and of careful. People watching their backs. People aware that the right genes must be passed on. I know this very well. I know this very well... I know.

Well, the cool breeze persists from the west. I've known this since my early years. I know this very well. Autumn is a time of wisdom. It is when people are most kind. Maybe, the weather has something to do with this. People are not being subjected to the humidity that is summer. The summer has fallen and the autumn is here. Very well. The autumn knows that it is it's time. The summer is preparing it's time less than a full year from now. I suppose I am like that as well. I know there are places where I can be myself. Not the watered down pacifist I appear on the surface. Some woke person who only wants kindness to his surroundings.

It may seem simple, sure, however, I don't want kindness for those around me. I don't want to hold hands with the person beside me telling him or her that we are all okay. That we are all here to live a happy and uneventful life. No, that is not who I am. I am old I suppose. I am aging everyday and every minute. As the seconds elapse my skin becomes something it wasn't the second before. So is life. The constant is change. Funny how the only thing that remains the same is that we will always change. But I know my fair share of truth. I know my fair share of wisdom passed down form others around me. What I know is that we live in 1 percent or so. We only have so much say in things. We can decided to wiggle our fingers but we can not decide where to throw the ball. That is also true of how we as a group, function. We only have so much say in which direction society goes. Each playing it's part. Nudging in one direction or suggesting "maybe to the left, or maybe to the right?".

Funny isn't it. How little we have control of in this life of small and smaller. That's a thought for another time. More pondering for another day or another moment.

'There is something powerful in taking a deep autumn breathe' would say my sister. 'Something that I can't put my finger on. However, clear it is I can not find it and make it mine.' She would say this a lot. She would try to have some profound thought on how the simplest things can matter the most. Words are like that some times, and so is life. Sometimes life eludes us. Sometimes we know everything and know next nothing. Or nothing at all. There is a quite a bit of beauty in not knowing and just going threw life aimlessly. Just a random particle bouncing from place to place, hoping he lands in the right place. Really having no say if he will make it to the next day. Funny, hmm. You know she would say that a lot. Repeat those words. Hoping that this time she would have an epiphany and lands where she was supposed to be. Not lost in some town that didn't get her. That was lost just as lost as she was.

She agreed with me. She really did. She choose to voice her opinion. Well, it took a lot of persistence for her to speak. A lot of moments coming together. Creating a painting, or equation telling her 'go, do it now. Or forever be quiet.' She had no choice. It was either speak or die inside. Ironic, isn't it? Ironic that she...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2022 ⏰

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