jungkook's tatkoos- if you know me, you'll know i cake up with the little word tatkoos to describe jungkook's tattoos, and it's something i've always helps very dearly to my heart- i know tattoos was something jungkook has wanted for a long time, and when we not only saw that he had gotten some, but also when it was confirmed to be true/real, i was so happy i could hardly breathe.. i knew just how long he wanted them, so i was just so happy to see he was starting to get some- i really wanted to come up with this special name for them, and appreciate them whenever we got a glimpse of them.. sadly, for sometime jungkook couldn't really show them, and had to cover them almost entirely at all times, and it honestly broke my heart.. slowly, he started to show them more and more and when i see content that has come out recently, where is entire sleeve is on display, i think of just how far he's come and how much of his tatkoos has not only been shown, but also changed, added, colored, layered, etc .. and it's honestly such a beautiful thing to see him take his artistry and have his story illustrated and written upon his body in all the ways he wants. he is such a beautiful person with the most beautiful body art i've ever seen. and i hope he knows just how supportive we are of them, and hope he never feels regret or that he shouldn't have his tattoos for one reason or another. i just hope he doesn't listen to what negative things others might say. his tatkoos are apart of him and are so beautiful, i hope he never forgets that and continues to add to his tatkoos as he pleases. i hope he's happy always & loves himself 💜
Purple Nova
Poetryto the boy who shines brighter than the sun, brighter than any star, and is more beautiful than the moon. ☆ happy birthday my nova boy 🤍 appreciating and loving jungkook ♡