You are the Ultimate Delinquent. You had moved from school to school from getting into fights and getting expelled. But when Hope Peaks Academy accepted you, you met someone in your class. He has blond hair and glasses. He is no other the rich kid B...
"Beep beep beep". You slam your hand on your alarm clock turning it off. "Ugh a new school". You get up and start getting ready for the day. You get dressed in something like this:
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(Sorry if everything is all black but your the Ultiment delinquent so idk what delinquents wear so ya and these were the best looking pics i could fine)
You fix your hair and made it look like this:
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You grab your bag and head downstairs. You lived alone because your parents are dead. Your mother died giving birth to you and your father got really sick. You grab some bread and put it in the toaster. Once the toast was done you grabbed it and headed out the door. You passed a cafe and dicided to get a coffee on the way to school. You knew you where going to be late but you didnt care. (Oh and btw this is the first day of school, so it is required to stay the first day, and attend the welcome seromony).
When you finally got to the school the seromony was already over and the classes have already started. "Shit im late, oh well". You got to your classroomand opened the door startling everyone in the room. "SUP BITCHES"! (Oh btw I do not know all of the characters names and how they would act to each other because i havent watched the anime or played the game i only know togami and a few others because i watched a few things on it so..... i am going to wing it) The teacher then looked at you after a the shock of you bursting it. 'Ahem, anyways please introduce yourself to the class Mrs and I expect you too apologze for scaring everyone".
"Tch whatever". You turn to face the class as they regained their positions at their desks. "Im Y/n, L/n,". You scanned the room examining your classmates. Then the teacher spoke. "Can you tell us a few things about you Mrs. Y/n". "Sure". You shrugged and looked back at the class. "I am not here to make friends, so leave me alone". Afew of them glared at you while you saw some of them shiver. "Does anyone have any questions for Mrs.Y/n"? Afew of them raised their hands. "Uh brown haired boy". "O-oh its makoto naegi". "Yea yea dont care anyways your question".
"O-oh right, what is your Ultiment"? You smirked you knew this will be good once you tell them. "I am The Ultiment Delinquent". You looks scary as you watch everyone look shocked and some scared but this one blonde boy caught your eye he was looking but he didnt have any expression. "Next". You say as you rolled your eyes. "Girl with pig tails". *In your mind* "What a childish choice of hair style". "Oh Im Junko Enoshima, have you ever been expelled"?
"Oh yea lots of times and honestly im suprised this school accepted me with how many times i have been expelled". "Ooh what have you been expelled for"? Another girl asked. "Oh for fighting and belive it or not I have been arrested for a gang fight". Then everyone shouted. "WHAT!?" "Yea my gang had a fight with another but someone called the police and i ot caught but i got bailed out by one of my members". They all looked at you in disbeleaf. "Anyways enough questions about me". The teacher nodded. "Yn you can sit next to togami. togami raised his hand and you thought oh great. "Nah Im leaving byeeeeee". You walked out of the classroom while the teacher was yelling for you too get back in the classroom.
You wandered the halls until lunch. Kids filled the halls so you went somewhere to get peice and quite. And the place is the library when you entered you saw no one and was happy for that. As you went through the rows of books when you found a mystry murder book that looked like a good read. You went the tables and opened the book and started to read. Afew minutes later you hear the chair from another table move you looked up and saw togami sitting down with a book. *In your mind* "Oh so he is a bookworm".
You watched him for a while but then he looked up and saw you staring."Do you have a problem pesant". You got up and walked over to him."What are you-". You snatched his book. "HEY GIVE THAT BACK"! You were shorter than him so you slipped out of his reach and ran into one of the rows off books that doesnt have any light.
You hear him come close but he walks away in another row. You stiffle a laugh because you didnt want to be caught. But as soon as you got out of that row looking around and you didnt see him, you walked looking side to side but you ran right into him. You fell to the floor dropping the book in the process. As soon as you where going to grab it he snatched it. He scowelled at you before turning and walking away
"Tch that book worm is going to pay".
You were about to exit the school when you felt someone behind you wrap their arm around you and putting a clothe to your mouth and nose. You kicked and thrashed trying not to breathe the fumes of what you asume are drugs. But you where forced to breathe and you fell to the ground. But just before you fell unconscious you saw someone watching from far away with terror on their face.
And it was none other that bakuya togami. when you tried to scream for help, while reaching out your hand for him everything went black.
So this is the first chapter to this book i hope you like it