A Complicated History

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(WARNING this part of the story includes heavy abuse, sexual abuse, and usage of hateful slurs, please take breaks while reading if necessary)

The main guy in front of me started reeling his leg back before kicking me hard in the balls.

"Oh God p please s stop it" I started to cry a little bit.

"Why should I Vio, you're litteral scum.  Go ahead try to get up scum, try your best to stand up."

I stayed down knowing my place among bullies.

"Hahaha, your so fucking discousting, I cant beleive I went to high school with your Faggoty ass"

I looked back up at him and it finally clicked.


"BINGO" He said before grabbing my nipples through my shirt and started twisting them really hard back and forth.

"Ahh oh god p please stop p please"
I started to feel sick and get hot in the face.  Anyone in the hall could walk by and see at any moment.

"You think that just because you graduated means you don't have to pay the Fag Tax?"

In my old high school if you looked queer in any way you would have to pay the seniors and or athletes something called Fag Tax.  Basically just meant you had to be their play thing for an hour out of every school day.  And if you ever missed a day of Fag Tax they would take you out of the building and torture you outside where everyone could see your punishment.  I was often the victim of these Fag Taxes.  And because Brandon was the leader of the Football team he would be my main tormentor in private.

"You've been breaking my balls and my spirit since freshman year, haven't you put me through enough h hell?"

"Hahahah, are you serious, dude.  No matter where you go I'll always be there to put you in your place.  Do you understand me?  And if not me it'll be someone else.  Nobodys ever gonna see you as anything more that a useless faggot toy.  The only thing your wimpy body is good for is being the alpha's punching bag."

I looked at the ground and really took in what he said to heart.  All through my life the only people that have been nice to me can't actually help me when im being tortured like this.  And maybe he's right.  Maybe no matter how much time passes and how old I get, I'll be nothing but their punching bag.

As I was thinking I felt another hard and fast kick to the groin but this time my hair was pulled to face Brandon.

"Ahhooogh"  I felt so sick and humiliated.

"Haha, shut up faggot" Brandon said before spitting on my face.

His friends then also spit into my ears to give me super wet willies.  My ears were being plungered in and out with their big wet fingers and spit.

"Open your mouth fag" I slightly heard Brandon order.  It was hard to hear with all the spit in and around my ear.

I did as I was told and then felt his spit hit my tounge.

"Swallow it Loser!"

Once again I did as I was told.  It was thick warm and tastes gross.  The feeling of it going down my throat made me want to throw up.

"God your actually so fucking pathetic I feel bad sometimes having to hurt you like this."

Brandon gave me a sympathetic look before telling me to spread my legs, I started to but the two other boys quickly grabbed my legs and pulled them out wide basically forcing me into the splits.  I whimpered a little bit from the pain.

"Put your hands behind your back."  He ordered once again.

I did as I was told.

He then walked to the end of the hallway and started taking a running start before giving a paralyzing kick to my balls and dick once more.  This time I couldn't breathe.  I couldn't make any noise.  I just curled up into a ball on the ground holding my groin.

"Its honestly such a shame you have to live your life this way.  But it's just the way it is, and there's nothing your going to do about it.  Because whether you admit it or not, your faggot ass loves it.  You want more of it.  You need it.  Right faggot?"

"Yes sir" I whisper out while crying softly.

His sadist friends chuckle and giggle before heading back to their dorms.  Brandon stays to take care of me.

He picks me up and opens the door to my dorm and lays me on the bed.  He puts an ice pack he brought on my groin.  He sits on the bed next to me and starts to play with my hair. 

"Your so pretty when you cry, you know that dont you."



"I thought we agreed to stop doing this together.  You told me you didn't want them to know."

Brandon stayed quiet and looked away and gripped my hair tightly. 

"Your not gonna tell them tho, you know better right little boy?"

I wince at the feeling and say, "no sir"

"Good boy"

He praises me and it makes me feel sick.  He doesn't care how I feel.  Just how he feels.

He starts rubbing his member through his shorts and panting softly.

"Fuck, im hard, look at me vio, your eyes are still watering"

Before waiting for me to look at him he just grips my hair and forces me to look up at him against my will.  He looks into my broken defenseless and dead eyes and orgasms.

I start feeling tired and fall asleep while he's gripping my hair.

I'll probably forget all about this in the morning.  At least I hope I will.

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