News from the strip

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Cherry held the child in her arm as she and trecked her way acrost the wasteland of Boston.

"It's a weird kind of beautiful out here," piper murmured as they passed a pond where a few radstags bent down to drink the irradiated water, sometimes you forget the world ended about 200 years ago, huh blue?"

Cherry smiled at her companion and nodded, "yeah.....crazy how nature came back the way it did, a bit mutated but still alive.

The lone survivor looked down at the child in her arms and smiled a little,  the little one had cried herself to sleep in the large woman's arms.

They walked in relative silence for a few more hours until the reach the gates of the great green jewel of the commonwealth, diamond city.

The pair of women and the child made their way past the wastes of Boston towards what remained of the city, dead set on the safety hidden within.

The comforting whire of the turrets out front letting the group know that they were finally safe. Little y/n was walking again at this point holding tight to Cherry's hand as they hear the near by laughing of a city gaurd (or an umpire as cherry liked to call them).

"Hey! Piper, ya better get in there quick, the new arrivals got everyone excited, I think a visitor from outside the commonwealth would be quote the story,"

Piper and Cherry looked at each other with a matching set of surprise and excitement, while y/n simply kept her near constant look of confusion and fear.

The trio nearly sprinted as they entered the city, only stopping as they met nat along the way.

"Piper! Your back!" The sisterly duo hugged in a display that never failed to make Cherry's heart swell with motherly adoration.

"I'll catch up with ya Blue, me and nat have a lot to talk about," She gave cherry a half serious salute as the pair entered the public occurrence domicile.

Cherry smiled once more and looked to y/n, who had a small smile of her own as she gazed in wonder at the bustle of Diamond city.

"Looks like your just stuck with me kiddo, come on, how dose some food sound?"

Y/n looked to the lone survivor and gave a hesitant nod, "thank you miss Cherry."

Cherry grinned again as she felt something warm within her chest, a feeling she knew very well from before thist atomic nightmare.

"Follow me kid, we'll get you some noodles,  then we can check on this new arrival," She offered her large hand to the girl and was pleased to feel the smaller on enter her grasp.

Cherry took the child and tossed a few caps to the robot behind the counter and grabbed the noodles that the peculiar bot passed to her. She led the child past the market of the great green jewel of the commonwealth, "hopefully Vadim saved us a seat on the couches, I think you could use a sit down kid"

She made her way to the ever so faithful bar and found herself blasted with noise as she entered to the Loud boisterous singing of a drinking song.

Leading the song was someone unfamiliar to Cherry, she was of a similar age to to her, tanned from time out in the sun.

"Oh.... I've got headaches by the numbers! Troubles by the score!!!"


The confusion that passed over Miss Cherry's face at first made her nervous, but then she calmed as she saw the woman's lips twist Into a small smile as she stared at the other woman in the long brown jacket over combat armor, her helmets red lenses glinting as she threw her head back in a laugh.

"Everyone! Another round on me, courtesy of the strip!"

She laughed drunkenly once again before her eyes fell on cherry and the young Y/n.
"Well ain't that a Familiar sight, I'd we got some things in common Vault girl, just one question,  the bear? Or the bull?"

Y/n looked back up at cherry with confusion once again.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2023 ⏰

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