🎸 Playing Again 🎸

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Kiyoomi woke up annoyed by his alarm. He hit it so hard that it came unplugged and flew across the room. Kiyoomi groaned as he got up to get dressed. He slowly walked over to his closet and picked something simple out.

 He slowly walked over to his closet and picked something simple out

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He walked out of his room to see Komori laying on the floor. "Get up. You're getting the floor grips." Kiyoomi walked over to the front door and grabbed his bag. He sat down in a chair waiting for Komori to be ready. Soon enough they both walked out the door.





Kiyoomi was just sitting in class minding his business when he heard someone speak to him. "Wanna eat lunch with me? You can bring your friends." Kiyoomi turned around to see Atsumu Smiling at him as always.

"Uh..sure." Kiyoomi just lightly smiled back.

"Suspicious.." Atsumu made his voice sound a little weird. Kiyoomi sighed.

"Shut up." Atsumu grinned. He started to laugh.

"I will not!" Atsumu stopped laughing, and kept talking. Kiyoomi sat there and listened. Listened to his weird theories and storys.





Atsumu ran over to Kiyoomi who was sitting at a table. He quickly sat down, and smiled. "Hey Omi-Kun!" Atsumu chuckled.

"..Hey Miya." Atsumu looked over to see his brother. Osumu was just staring at him. Atsumu slid his tray to Osumu letting him have his food.

"So this is the new member!?" A boy with pink hair sat down with another person. "I'm Takahiro Hanamaki. Nice to meet you." The pink haired male smiled.

"I'm Toru Oikawa!" The other smirked. Kiyoomi sighed slowly moving closer to Atsumu. Komori walked over and sat down beside Kiyoomi. Two more people walked over and sat down.

"Wow this table's packed." One of them laughed. "I'm Tetsurō Kuroo. Hope we're not too annoying." Atsumu nodded as Kiyoomis leg started to bounce. Atsumu felt it and took a risk by holding Kiyoomis hand. Slowly his leg stopped bouncing.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! It's Kōtarō Bokuto!" The beamed. Everyone started to talk to each other. Asking juicy questions was the main thing.





Atsumu, Kiyoomi, Osumu, Koutarō, Tetsurō, Oikawa, Hanamaki, Iwaizumi, and Komori all walked into the studio. Everyone sat down. "So what type of song are we gonna write?" Everyone's attention turned to Komori.

"How about...one about forcing yourself to love because you can't, but you feel like it's useless and give up. If that makes any sense." Atsumu chuckled nervously. Tetsurō have a thumbs up and Komori quickly stood up.

"Alright. I'll get a pen and a few papers!" Komori walked out of the room. Soon he came back with the items. "Me, Kiyo, and Atsumu are doing lyrics. You guys are doing the rhythm and beat." Everyone was quiet to focus. It took them around three hours to come up with most of the song. Atsumu stood up smiling brightly."I think I got it! It'll be a surprise though." Oikawa laughed.

"We got there rhythm and beat awhile ago." Atsumu nodded and grabbed his guitar.

"Lets go!" Everyone got in position. Atsumu looked at the paper in front of him. He kinda forgot how to read sheet music, but he didn't wanna bother anyone.

Atsumu started singing. Kiyoomi just smiled as he listened. Everyone was a little shocked about how his voice matched the song. Atsumu didn't even feel the eyes. His mind was blank. WAS. He snapped out of it when Kiyoomi sang in the background. Their voices went together like Sugar and Salt. It was a perfect mix.

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