The Big Betrayal

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Brianna's POV

I sigh as I look at my creepy looking room,it was like being at a Haunted house or a Halloween party...
7year old me as of that time cried a lot. I stayed with my merciless aunt because my so called mother abandoned me.

A knock was heard on the door some minutes after my stare at the room..

Definitely it's not my aunt..
The soft voice noted
You there?..mums calling for you

Narrowing my eyes in tiredness sluggishly answered 'a minute!!'
That voice was of my cousin Kendra. She was an angel,we were really close unlike other of her siblings. She usually snuck into my room at times so we could play and tell each other our little secrets.

I walked towards the door with a paled expression on my face,I tried to balance my eye sight as I walked to the living room.

In my thoughts;
I wish I could slap the makeup off her face,the face of my aunt and her stupid looking daughter Patrice.

I made my way to the living bowing,she stared at me from head to toe in disgust.
I was way use to all her words and looks,so this one I knew she was disgusted...

Whenever she's disgusted at something, she makes this funny nostril gesture,it goes up and down. She looked really stupid doing it...Soo..

While she did it a slight laughter came out,I couldn't handle it.
I cleared my throat, trying to maintain my serious gesture.

A minute later I found my self doing the most stupid thing "LAUGHING"
The man who sat beside her looking very handsome also confirmed my laughter and laughed too.

What did you expect from a 7year old me...when I noticed everywhere had gone dead silent, I immediately maintained my position. She then said

"This is Herald...Patrice's fiance,he's going to be staying here for a few days I want you to treat him right and always attend to him...I'm I cleared?.."

She said snapping me into reality and I quickly nodded in agreement,I then gave Herald a quick smile and a signal to follow me. He quickly rose to his feet as I soon realized

This guy was fucking Tall!!! I shrieked..
It was like my Aunt saw or read my mind,intentionally cleared her throat to straighten me up.

While we walked to his room
In my big untidy gown all tangled up between my legs
Struggling to walk with the heavy suit-case, tripped and fell flat on my face causing the suitcase to pop open

I expected everything as I laid flat on the ground refusing to stand in embarrassment. What came wasn't what I expected and God if I had this dude in my life forever everything will be great.

He looked at me,I tried to hide my face as my aunt and cousins ran on hearing the clash...Immediately he burst out laughing like a maniac!.

I took a peek through my hand,which wrapped my face,he helped me up and I noticed he wasn't just Tall,he was also handsome and extremely strong..

Or maybe I've lost a lot of weight??..

After helping me up,he Pat my head and gave me a quick smile like he was trying to swallow his laughter..

He picked up his luggage and left
I knew I was in big shit...I knew it was time to turn around and face the consequences. I gave a 360° turn to see my Aunt and Patrice's eyes all in flames like they were going to devour me..

Were they?..I thought to myself
I gulped saliva, severally.

My Aunt just stormed out,I expected her witchy daughter Patrice to do so but instead

Go to your room and don't come out till you're told to!
And she locked me,I was use to all of their shit so...
While this went on,Kendra and Herald got along pretty well.
I just curled myself in my room making myself feel less lonely and comfortable.

Hours later....

I heard a knock on my creepy window
The only person who knocks through my window is Kendra.

I sluggishly opened it and sees Kendra with a big smile on her face,then I turn back to the sound of a key opening my door...

The door was some steps far away from my room,when it opened the lobby's light shown on the person...

Did Kendra try to set me up??..I'm I going to get kidnapped??..

All those thoughts...

I squeezed myself with my cloth as the person approached me..


He approached me with a big smile,I then turn to Kendra who was climbing down my window,she jumped on my cranky old bed which made a sound "krrrrr!!!" and we both laughed ..

I whispered "why is he here?..we could get in trouble Kendra!"
"No no no!..he said he won't get us in trouble ...he's our friend" she said with a convincing smile..

I felt embarrassed on seeing him because of the incident that happened before now he then said with a soothing smile to break the silence
"You are a very good girl Brianna.."

What did he mean by that??

I rolled my eyes to Kendra,who looked away like nothing happened

"Thank you..." I said with a forced smile on my face..we kept quiet for about 2minutes straight before Kendra broke the silence

"So what are we doing?!" Herald sat up quickly and said
"Nothing...but I brought card games and chocolates we can eat and play..." He said awaiting a response from me which I didn't give.

They brought out the games and we started playing,he told us about his life problems.

He was really nice and a sweet fellow
While I stared at him admiring his pierced green eyes and light brown curly hair

I wonder how I figured that out...

We got tired of the playing the games and just ate cookies and chocolates...

Kendra told Herald everything about my life which we discussed after my stare at him...

Time had gone by so fast we didn't notice..

Kendra took the window and Herald took the door but before he left he gave I and Kendra a kiss on the forehead and called us his best friends...

I'm best friends with a GROWN man??..

It's a Wrap for this chapter
Please don't forget to...
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