Big Betrayal 4

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Brianna's POV

One-day a parcel sat by our porch,I didn't notice until I went to pick some flowers and I bumped into the parcel with my foot and gawd! was HEAVY!..

I wondered what was inside that could be so heavy and thick!..I cried for pain then picked up the parcel and sat on a bench

At the front of the parcel didn't have anyone's name on it,I turned to the back to find my name??...

What the?!!!??

I started sweating tirelessly,I was confused on if I should open it or not

Has aunt found me?..I thought!..
What I saw wasn't what I ever expected in my entire life

I finally got hold of myself and opened the parcel,it was an iron box.

It looked childish with stickers on it

Was this a prank?

I opened the box and saw several pictures of me,at the back of all of them were words written 'i love you'
Each picture was every second of my life even now!??..

I shrieked as I looked around in suspense..I definitely thought it was my Aunt..

The last one was a letter I opened it and it's said

Dear Bri,it's momma!..
I know it's been years,we never even got the chance to see each other,I'm sorry for everything....

I couldn't bear the pain any longer and I threw the paper on the ground with the box and pictures and I stormed off angrily with tears!..

Now?..After all these years!..
She's shameless!!!

I cried as I ran up to my room while going I bumped into Reginald he followed me to my room and I cried on his shoulder,I told him everything and he helped me pack the pictures and the box inside..

Some minutes later he left and I noticed some funny movements around my window

One mind said RUN!!..CALL FOR HELP!!..the other said CHECK IT OUT!..

And I went to check it out,it was a boy my age!or maybe older!?..he looked like Andrew!..
No he couldn't be

I took a stick and wacked him on the head before he could even run and I pulled him from his shirt into my room,I immediately ran to lock my door and windows making the whole room dark then I tied him to chair

Pretty sure this is a crime scene!

I poured water to his face and he gasped for air I looked him dead In the eye and said

"Who the hell are you?..and what were you doing at my window!?"

He looked back at me with a smile and tried to kiss me?..


He smirked again as I leaned away!..
He must be some stalker!..
I asked again
"Come on talk!!"
He didn't even struggle on the seat he was tied to he just kept staring at me
I got scared and wanted to call Reginald when he spoke

"Hey!.. don't you remember me?"
I turned like the movies and stared at him with my mouth opened giving him a no answer

"It's me...Andrew!..forgotten so soon?..where have you been all this years?"

Oh God!..Andrew!?..
It's couldn't be!..we never related!..hardly even talked to each other!..

I let him loose when he came closer to me and pushed a strand of my hair and whispered
"I've missed you dear!" He caressed my face and tried to kiss me

I was quick to push on my bed,I wanted to call Reginald but Andrew said something that shook me
"If you go now..what will become of you later!? you think they'll be able to trust their beautiful innocent Brianna!?..if they find me I'll tell them exactly where you came from!"

I gulped saliva severally looking at him,my heart raced fast!..
I sat by him and just looked at him he said he has been searching for me and finally he found me

Which means he was the one who sent that parcel!..
I quickly looked at him and said
"Andrew!?..are you the one who sent that parcel?.."
"What parcel!?"

What does he mean by what parcel!?..
Soo..he isn't the one?..
It's actually my mom?..
What does she want from me?..

Andrew quickly stood to his feet and looked back at me saying
"I know you always had feelings for my doesn't matter anymore because Chris isn't Chris anymore!..he doesn't even care if you exist! don't keep your hopes high!...I've had my eyes on you for years!.."
I felt tears drop down my cheek
I slowly said
"Kendra? is she?"
"Oh Kendra!..she's with Chris now!..and they were the ones who planned to sell you off!..soo..they gave aunt the idea..I tried to refuse but you know it's not in my power to do so!"

I got swallowed up in my emotions he sat back again and hugged me tight!..

And I found myself hugging back!
I raised my head slowly with my red puffy eyes and stared into his eyes while he stared into mine and I kissed him

All my life I thought my first ever kiss will be with Chris because I thought he liked me.

I quickly leaned away with a smile and he smiled back then he left through the window I felt happy at the same time sad

How could he?..
I totally forgot about my mother..

A week passed and I haven't seen Andrew so i thought he had forgotten me too I accepted fate the way I saw it..

The next week Mama Blossom threw a party inviting all her friends
I went to Nina's room and sat with her,she shrieked when she saw me and we both laughed.

I looked around the room and sighted an invitation card
"Why do you need an invitation card?"
I walked towards it
"It's not actually an invitation card,it's the list of people invited"

I swiped it open and looked at the names till my eyes clashed with three names!.
Alice smith
Marina smith
Penelope Garcia

I couldn't get hold of myself,my eyes kept flickering and my hands were shaking. Nina noticed and called me it was like I was in a Trance she tried talking to me but I just left her room without saying a word.

I took the invitation card with me to Mama Blossom she told me they were her closest friends. I couldn't breathe!..not because of Penelope or Marina...

My mum!...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2022 ⏰

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