The Big Betrayal 2

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Brianna's POV

Waking up the next morning to the beautiful chirping sound of the birds and a bright light reflecting inside my dark room

The thought of last night made me smile weirdly at Kendra not noticing Patrice.
Kendra ran down the cranky stairs and pulled me up to my feet,I itched my eyes severally before it became balanced. I heard Kendra say

"It's a big day today!..."
"Big day? it the wedding?...I thought it's in 10days time!" I said still in sleepy mode,she just patted my scattered hair and took me to her room...

While we were leaving my room,I accidentally bumped into Patrice who held the door open,I turned to apologize but she just stormed off..normally I would receive scoldings or hits from her but nothing....

I sat down on Kendra's bed facing the dress mirror,I began admiring myself, trying to arrange my thick black curly hair.

Two maids walked into the room with several make-up equipments
We are just seven!.. I said with surprise in my eyes..
She just narrowed her eyes like she didn't hear me


When we were 5,my aunt wanted to throw a huge party for Patrice and exactly what is happening now is what happened..

We sat by her dress mirror and the maids started making us up..

Kendra loved shouty colours,too much sparkles and glitters,too elegant.

While I am just normal,plain,simple.

After having our makeover,two dresses were kept for us,Kendra requested we wear the same clothes

Hours later we were ready...

I came down to see a MASSIVE crowd,drinking,laughing,chit-chatting..
Suddenly my eyes crossed with Herald's he gave me a big smile which I gave back..I just sat by a corner for some minutes then Kendra came back with a very suspicious smile on her face
"What's up with your face? looks as if you were hit by a truck!.." I chuckled she turned to me and said
You see those two boys over there?!..she asked pointing at the sons of Mrs Penelope Garcia
Yeah!?..what happened to them?..

I quickly realized she liked one of them and also they were cute. Their names were Andrew and Chris.

Penelope Garcia is my aunt's closest friend,they've been friends since childhood but she never came over with any of her kids..
We talked about how cute they were and the rest of them...

As I laughed at Kendra talking about how she's gonna marry one of them if possible my eyes clashed with Penelope's.

I haven't seen her in awhile so I got really anxious when she stood from her seat and approached us
I quickly tapped Kendra on the shoulder telling her Penelope was coming..

She brushed herself to look elegant

"Hi girls!.." Kendra gave an awkward smile which made me chuckle
"Brianna?...can I speak to you privately please!" Mrs Penelope said excusing both of us,Kendra gave me a thumbs up.

We sat as I just stared blankly at her not knowing what to say she broke the silence
"You haven't changed one bit!...still as Alice"

Alice my mother?..I thought giving her a confused look
"What do you mean?.."  I said
"Well..your mum said I should give you these!.." stuffs her hands into her pocket and brought out a gold chain necklace

I haven't seen my mum picture before and I haven't even thought of my dad cuz you know...

RUMOURS saying he's dead so I decided not to think of it..

I took the necklace with a pale smile then it struck me
Why now?...why today?..she doesn't care about me!..if she did she would have come to see me...
Or better take me out of this shak!..
I can't believe her!..

I threw the necklace and stormed off with angry tears..
After some minutes,i felt a slight tap on my shoulder..
It isn't Kendra

"Hey?!" The tender voice said,,,
I looked up to see Chris!?..what in the world?..

"Brianna right? mum talks all about you and your cousin Kendra!..seems you guys are kind of a couple I guess!" He gave a quick laugh and I could find myself staring into his gorgeous blue eyes!..
7 year old me!..hehehe

"Hello?.." he said and I quickly snapped!
"Sorry!..I was..just..just lost!..forgive my manners!"
"It's okay!..Soo..what happened back there?..did my mum say anything? can talk to me you know!...I'm Chris by the way!"
"'s nothing just something about my mum!'s not serious!.."

He nodded and tapped my shoulders twice and gave me a quick smile took my hand and kissed it!..

I was on cloud 9!..I couldn't believe!..

Hours passed and I just sat by the lake at the backyard that's when she showed up

"Hey!?..uhh!..I saw what happened!"
Wow?!..she's such a good actor!..geez!..

"Oh it's nothing!"
She should just go away!..I even was consoled by Chris of all people!
"Well I'm sorry I didn't come on time..I couldn't find you...all I found was another person flirting with my man!"

What dah?!!.. what's she freaking talking about?..

"Kendra?..what?...ohhh...I get saw Chris didn't you!?..I can't believe we are having this conversation!..Kendra we are seven!..there's nothing know what forget it!.."

I said and left with annoyance!

That was over I guess because we turned 8 and I totally forgot everything!..

After that party my aunt started treating me differently!..and that was a shock she changed my room though it was small but it was elegant and sweet

I was really happy though and since Kendra was happy for me I thought everything was cleared between us cuz she still snuck into my room with Herald.

Okay now to head to the main story

On the birthday bash my aunt had for both of us... partially
We wore matching aunt gave us both presents

Kendra's was a glittery prada bag while mine...mine..mine was's better I didn't have any..

As I was saying Chris and Andrew came to the party...I wasn't surprised anyway! He gave me a big smile and when I gave back I turned to look at Kendra who was staring at me with death in her eyes...

"Whoa!?..Kendra?.." and she stormed off..
That passed and the party went smoothly for a start..

"Hey?! ya doing?.."
Another reason why I really wanted to get close to him or his brother was because they were 2years older than us

"I'm good!..thanks for asking! came!"
"Of course!..why would I miss such an event!..well you are 8 now!..still a kid!..pff!"
"No I'm not!..I'm a queen! 8 and I'll show you I'm not a kid!..let's do a dance duel?.."
"A dance duel?..well okay!..I'll crush you!"

And we started dancing,the spotlight was on us and everyone cheered us on even surprisingly my aunt..
I searched with my eyes in the crowd to find the one I love the most (Kendra)


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