Requested~Moon x Fem!Reader

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Hey moon is going to be ooc here because I want to make this take place before everyone fully feared him. Moon is also a separate animatronic from Sun.

      (This was also in my drafts, I'll move onto recently requested things when I finish with what's in my drafts)

     Onto the story <3

     I was usually down here for maintenance, the owner stopped trusting people after.. a few mishaps happened down here.

    I was examining some endo-skeletons deciding to use one to recreate GlamRock Bonnie the Bunny, we don't have any extras for him, which was weird.

     As I was taking in the measurements, as well as tweaking the exterior mold, I heard the door open.

     "(Y/n), we need you to work on this one." Vanessa called out to me. I rolled my eyes and looked over to her. She had rolled in a hand truck.

      "Who is it?" I asked as she gave me a maniacal smirk.

    I sighed and nodded he was under a dark cloth. So, I pulled it off.

     Moon was covered in scratches that exposed his endo, his yellow eyes stared me down as examined the damage. I noticed how tightly they tied him up and there were huge chunks of his exterior missing.

     "Was it Monty?" I asked Vanessa and she started laughing.
     "You should've seen it! Monty threw him around and was literally scratching him up, you should've see-"

     "Leave." I told Vanessa as she tilted her head.
     "Why? You upset I made fun of your favorite animatronic?"
     "If i untie him while you're still here he will kill you and I'll be sure of that." My eyes must've gotten darker or something because she immediately left.

      I looked up at Moon sadly and untied him. I began to further examine him now that he wasn't on a hand truck.

     "Don't look at me like that." Moon said.

     "Like what?" I asked him looking up at his eyes.
     "Like I'm weak, for goodness sake! I can tell, you pity me, you feel bad." Moon was noticeably towering over me.

     "You really think I'm looking at you like this because of that? Are you dumb?" I asked Moon as his eyes grew brighter.

     "I'm looking at you like this because what if you had to be fully remade? What if I lost the first animatronic I got along with? You'd have no recollection of who I am and I'd have to be holding onto the shell of who you once were." I said looking him dead in the eyes as they slowly went back to normal.


     "No, Moon, you always assume I'm against you when I never have been, you always try to scare me away because everyone doesn't like you doesn't mean Im the same way. Just let me-"

     I was cut off by Moon pulling me into a hug.

    "You cry when you're frustrated, relax. Unless you want to be like those naughty children and sent to the corner."

      I shook my head and looked up at Moon as he dried my tears. I didn't even know I was crying.

     "What kinda repairs do I need?" Moon asked.
     "You need a new mask, new hands, forearms, torso and clothes. Which I'd obviously have to help you get in." I said, as Moon quickly shook his head. I tilted my head and he said a quick, 'No.'

     "Why?" I asked and I could've sworn Moon's facial features got darker, as if he blushed.
     "I have parts. There's a reason they don't let kids fall asleep on me, it'll be weird to explain."  I didn't understand what he meant, so I asked.
     "What do you mean? You're supposed to have parts." Moon face palmed and grabbed my hand, he grew tired of me not understanding.

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