[⏰ : 1.1] the time where i met him .

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the beginning : where it was started
(you can skip this part and go to the part where Crunchy Chip/Wildberry POV if you want .)

--Nobody POV .

Pure Vanilla Cookie, invited his 'Ancient' old Friends to the Vanilla Kingdom to discuss about Dark Enchantress Cookie next plan .

He also invited Gingerbrave to the Vanilla Kingdom, Dark Cacao Cookie and Holyberry Cookie accept the invitation from Pure Vanilla Cookie to the Vanilla Kingdom .
Surprisingly both Holyberry and Dark Cacao told Pure Vanilla they will bring someone with them to help if something happened in the Vanilla Kingdom .


Gingrebrave finally at the Vanilla Kingdom, he looks around the Kingdom ; 'the reconstruction project was going well' he said .

"Haaa~ It's been a while since i visited the Vanilla Kingdom! Whoah-!, the reconstruction project is going well! Last time i came here, this part was still in ruins!"
He still looks around the Kingdom, until meet a Raisin Villager in the Plaza .

"Woah! Hello there Gingerbrave!"
The Raisin Villager said, give Gingerbrave a warm welcome .
"Too! How have you been?"
Gingerbrave ask them too, replied them .
"Absolutely great! The Vanilla Kingdom was so fabulous after the reconstruction! The houses won't fall apart anymore!" The villagers bring a good news . "That's an amazing news! Oh, yea! Do you know where Pure Vanilla Cookie is right now?" Gingerbrave asked .

"I don't know where he is right now, but you can go to the Outdoor Gardens on the Castle Grounds! Ask Black Raisin Cookie if you need help- oh? there she is!" The villagers seen Black Raisin Cookie came from the Crow Nest Inn's, "Hello there! What do you think about the new Vanilla Kingdom? It looks a lot different from before, right?" Black Raisin asked Gingerbrave .
"Definitely, everyone looks so happy and energetic ; They are all gleaming with joy! Oh, right! Do you know where i can find Pure Vanilla Cookie is right now?" Gingerbrave replied her and asked, then Black Raisin answer his questions; "Oh, he should be in the White Lily Greenhouse. By the way, when you're done talking to him, come visit the Crow Nest Inn's? It was our new hangout!" Gingerbrave then smiled, "Of course! Thanks, see ya later!"


In the White Lily Greenhouse, there he is ; Pure Vanilla Cookie. He talked to himself, looks like he worried about today's meeting.

"I can hardly believe it! I will be reunited with my dearest friends! ..i hope the journey here wasn't too difficult, and we haven't seen each other for such a long time..! How should i greet them? What should i say to them?" He asking to himself, the White Lily Greenhouse was silent for a while. "..I- i must tell them about who Dark Enchantress Cookie truly is, they're going to be Devastated.. They must've never expected that Dark Enchantress Cookie was truly is White Lily Cookie.." he sighed for a while, "is there no way telling them without hurting their feelings?.. oh? The lilies are more silent thn usual today-"

Gingervrave come in, then give Pure Vanilla Cookie a greetings; "Pure Vanilla Cookie, there you are!" Pure Vanilla turned his head, Gingerbrave came to the Vanilla Kingdom! He accepted the invitation . "Gingerbrave! I'm so glad you came, Welcome to the Vanilla Kingdom!" Pure Vanilla give him a greet too, then smiled . "I have a great news! My dearest friends are on their way to the Vanilla Kingdom! I haven't felt so much joy and excitement in many;many years!" Gingerbrave smiled "Whoaa, That's amazing! You must've missed them so much! I'm happy for you!"

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