A messy new start

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     "I, Takemichi Hanagaki, resign from my position as captain of the first division of Toman! I will continue to be a loyal ally and friend to Toman and come when I am needed! Thank you for having me!" Takemichi shouted passionately in front of the shocked members of Toman before bowing.
     "I will appoint my vice captain, Matsuno Chifuyu, as the captain of the first division until Baji-san returns!" He exclaimed once more before rising from his bowing position. Once he had though, he saw the faces of the members and immediately felt guilty for the sudden decision. 'Was it too much for me to do this so soon into my schooling? Will they be upset with me?' was all that ran through his head at the moment until finally, Mikey spoke up in an even voice.
    "Why are you leaving? Have you found another gang? Are you betraying us, Mitchy?" He said progressively losing more and more control over his voice as he continued speaking.
     "No, no, nothing like that! It's just that I'm going to be starting my university classes now so I want to focus more on my studies. Please, don't think anything different." Takemichi quickly explained to them all which seemed to relieve them but they still seemed saddened by the knews.
     "Thank you for being a good captain!" Chifuyu shouted suddenly, bowing and the rest of toman followed.
      "Thank you, Takemichi-San!" They bowed and shouted simultaneously making him tear up. This was going to be a long, hard journey without toman.
     "Make sure you all visit me sometimes okay? My address and phone number are still the same." Takemichi said one more time before finally turning to the other captains and vice captains, bowing once more before walking away from the beloved shrine to start on his new life.

                                 ~1 year later~
     It had been a year since Takemichi had left toman officially and his life had changed drastically. For one thing, he got a boyfriend the first week when going to his university and they had been together ever since. His boyfriend was also an art major and was very talented. His name was Yotasuke Takahashi. He was shorter than Takemichi by a little over a head and he had short black hair.
     Over the year he and toman hadn't really spoken much at all. It was so little that they didn't even know what he was in university for and hadn't seen him the whole time. They were all just so busy with their own lives that they didn't have time for the people they were not seeing on a daily basis.
     Takemichi and Yotasuke were in their house/studio and both doing their own respective paintings when suddenly the door rang. They looked at each other confused and Yotasuke got up and answered the door.
     He opened the door to find 9 men all clad from head to toe in what looked like black gang uniforms.
     "Who the hell are you? I thought you said this was Mitchys house Mikey?" A tall man with long black hair said angrily while staring at him.   
     "Uhm, if by 'Mitchy', you mean Takemichy then this is his house. But who are you?" He asked nervously. These dudes were all very intimidating and Yotasukes anxiety was starting to rain inside him when suddenly he felt a hand slide around his waist comfortingly. He looked up to see Takemichi smiling at the men in front of him.
     "Hey guys! I wasn't expecting you, it's been forever, come in!" He said, confusing Yotasuke even more.
     Takemichi must have noticed how confused he was because as they where walking inside to the kitchen he said, "Oh also, this is Yotasuke, my boyfriend."
     Immediately the guys all turned to me and introduced themselves deeming that it shouldn't have to be weird anymore than it already was.
     "Nice to meet you, I'm Mikey."
    "Im Baji, this is Kazutora and Chifuyu."
    "I'm Angry and this is my brother Smiley."
    "Hey im Draken." They all introduced and it started to feel less awkward in the room.
     "So, what's up? We haven't talked almost at all for a year and now you guys just show up randomly. Is there something important going on?" Takemichi asked, finally addressing the exact question Yotasuke had playing in his head too.
     "Well, we don't have anything gang related or anything, we just wanted to see you. Also, those three," He pointed at Baji, Kazutora, and Chifuyu, "are getting married soon so we decided that instead of just sending a card invitation, we could come and catch up and invite you in person." He said and Takemichi physically relaxed after hearing that too.
     "Also, partner, why are there tarps covering that doorway?" Chifuyu pointed out to the group and their eyes followed his.
    "Oh we were in the middle of homework so we had to put the tarps up to not make a mess of the rest of the house." Yotasuke answered him nonchalantly. He didn't know that they didn't know what Takemichi actually did for school.
     "What kind of homework do you have where you have to put up a tarp?" Baji asked or more like demanded to know. Yotasuke thought that he was the scariest of them all.
    "Oh, we both had to do a partner project with each other on a 100 inch canvas." Yotasuke said as he lifted the tarp for them so that they could go into the room. "Please don't touch anything."
     The boys were still trying to process that Mitchy was an artist when they saw the painting that Yatora did in high school sitting on an easel drying.
    "Holy shit Takemichi, did you do that?" Draken asked him incredulously, bringing attention to the painting and the other boys turned to stare at it aswell.
    "Oh, yeah, it's not the best but it's all right." He answered Draken nonchalantly.
     "Not the best? Dude, that should be in a museum. I didn't even know you liked art, Mitchy. This is crazy." Smiley said, his eyes almost bugged out at him and his whole 'meh could be better' attitude.
    "Thanks, Smiley, that's nice but really, I've seen some amazing artists and this is not much. Like Yotasuke, he's a very skilled artist too, though he deals more with realism instead of just painting what you want." He responded and the others looked at the other painting standing imposingly in the corner and almost cringed at the image.
     It was clearly Takemichi, but this Takemichi was different. He still had the same face but his body was covered in blood and gashes and wounds and he was smiling like nothing was wrong.
    "The theme was self conflicts and so I put Hana and his annoying habit of acting like everything is alright when he is in fact dying on the inside." Yotasuke said when he saw their looks of horror, knowing it wasn't because the painting was bad, but because the image was gruesome.
     "His techniques are really beautiful and detailed. He knows and paints every surface of every painting with so much detail it really is far more impressive than anything I can do." Takemichi said admiringly while looking at Yotasuke's painting.
    "Well why don't we put our projects in their wraps and then we can get some ramen and catch up, alright?" Takemichi suggested to the group earning multiple nods in return.
    Takemichi and Yatosuke then proceeded to put their projects in their covers and got dressed so that they could go out. They had decided to just walk to the restaurant seeing as no one was in much of a hurry.
     When they finally got to the restaurant they all sat down at a large table and ordered their food.
    "So, how long have you two been together?" Mikey asked to start up conversation among the group who had fallen into a mostly comfortable silence.
    "Well, we went to college prep school together. Then once we both got into the same university classes we were spending a lot of time together and at the first party I ever went to I brought him along to socialize and we ended up hooking up after." Takemichi answered Mikey with a reminiscent face.
    "Wow, that's a while michi." Smiley said as he ate his ramen.
     "Yeah it's crazy how much has changed, like how you three are together. I wasn't expecting that, ha ha, but tell me what you have been up to. You know about me and my life now, what about you?" He asked the group.
    Mitsuya was the first to answer. "Well Hakkia and I have our own modeling agency, and we're together too." Hakkai just looked up and nodded along with Mitsuya.
    "Mikey and I have our own bike shop now and we've always been a thing so there's not much of a difference in our lives.'' Draken said next and continued eating his ramen.
    "Smiley and I have our own restaurant and are starting our own food brand in a couple months time." Angry said and Smiley followed with, "And we both have partners too." clearly the rest didn't know this cause they all looked up at the twins surprised.   
     "WHATTTT!?!?! Why didn't you tell us?" Mikey pouted which caught the attention of some of the people around them since he said it quite loudly. Draken just laughed and smacked Mickey's shoulder lightly, and scolded him half heartedly.
    "Who are you two dating then? Is it someone we know?" Takemichi asked,  curious about the twins lifes and newfound lovers.
    "Do you guys remember the Haitani brothers? Well I'm dating Rindou and Smiley is dating Ran." Angry replies.
    "Really? That's shocking considering that one fight you had with them. I remember you two were very off after that." Chifuyu commented with surprise in his voice. It was true though. After the twins had fought the Haitians they were more wound up and crazy than usual.
    "Yeah, well we ended up running into them at the shop one day when they wandered in randomly and we ended up 'forgiving and forgetting' I guess." Smiley said.
     "Well that's surprising, what about you three? Besides getting married." Takemichi said laughing and putting his arm around Yotasuke who had been pretty much silent since they got there and looked very tense to Takemichi's ever observant eye.
     Yotasuke struggled with very severe anxiety and although he covered it well, Takemichi, who paid very close attention to him, could tell easily when it got bad. When that happened, Takemichi did all he could to make him feel better and calm down. One thing that helped a lot was physical touch from him and that was a very easy price to pay to ease his discomfort.
     Kazutora, who hadn't missed the sudden closeness of the two gave a look to the rest of the group and seeing that they had noticed too smirked, and answered Takemichis question.      "Well we all started a pet shop together and other than that nothing much. We hang out with the rest and continue our gang responsibilities."
     At the mention of the gang Takemichi's eyes widened and he asked one of the important questions he hadn't gotten to ask yet.
    "Yeah the gang, how is that going? I haven't seen anything about it at all since I left. Have there been any fights?" He hammered them with questions.
"Haha Takemichi! You should really see your face! You look like a worried mom." Baji said laughing and then the rest were laughing too, including Yotasuke which was the first noise he had made since they had left the house.
     It was a very bright and quiet laugh like what a small bell would sound like and it made Takemichis heart flutter every time he heard it. The group laughing didn't help either and soon enough he was blushing like crazy and started yelling at the group to stop laughing at him which only caused more laughter from the boys.
     All in all the group had had a great time catching up and after a few more hours hanging out they boys decided to move their separate ways, promising to meet up again soon. And with the final goodbyes being said, Takemichi and Yotasuke headed home and both showered before heading to bed.
    "Thank you for coming out with me tonight and meeting them. I know how stressful an atmosphere they can cause. It made me so happy." Takemichi said while smiling and landing a very sweet kiss on Yotasukes lips which eventually turned to something much more heated.
~~~~~~~~~smut here y'all~~~~~~~~~~~
     Takemichi bit into Yotasukes lip asking for entry to which he obliged and Takemichi slid his tongue into his mouth, sucking at his tongue as his hands roamed his body.
    He flipped them over so that Takemichi was on top of Yotasukes and started to undress them both by taking of his own shirt and then Yotasukes. He leaned back down and continued to work his mouth with his and slid his hands under Yotasukes boxers and pulled them off before doing the same to himself.
     The room was filled with the sounds of their bodies connecting and then the notice was disrupted by a loud yelp of pleasure as Takemichi inserted two fingers in Yotasuke and started to bring them in and out of his hole bringing even more unholy noises from Yotasuke.
     "S-start already dammit Takemichi!" Yotasuke groaned out and Takemichi didn't hesitate for a second as he pulled his fingers out and slid his member into Yotasukes in trance causing the man to grip onto Takemichis back with his nails and let out a large pleasure filled scream.
     "God Yotasuke your feel amazing." Takemichi whispered into his ear getting a jolt from the smaller man as he continued to thrust into him rapidly.
     After a few more minutes of intense fucking the two came and collapsed onto the bed breathing heavily.
     "Thank you, Hana." Yotasuke whispered before falling asleep in Takemichis arms.
     "Your welcome, Yota." Takemichi whispered into Yotasukes hair gently before he too fell asleep.

A messy new start-a Blue Period x Tokyo Revengers storyWhere stories live. Discover now