fifty four

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Middle of Nowhere, Nevada

Jonathan took the wheel again, Dylan sat in the passenger seat trying to sleep but failing

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Jonathan took the wheel again, Dylan sat in the passenger seat trying to sleep but failing. It was daylight now, bright and hot. It also didn't help the other guys had woken up and now she had to deal with their nonstop chatter. At least Jonathan looked somewhat rested now, he could probably get them the rest of the way to NINA. And if he couldn't, there was Argyle. Though, he was so high out of his brains all the time it made Dylan nervous to see him behind the wheel.

"You should be sleeping." Jonathan glanced at her through the corner of his eye.

"I have, off and on," she shrugged, she was tired but sleep just wouldn't come. "The sun is blaring. I've given up hope on being anymore well rested than this."

"Then I feel bad, making you drive all night." Said Jonathan. "I got to sleep and you didn't."

"Oh, whatever. You've been driving 90% of this trip." She brushed off his concerns. "Don't go soft on me just because we made out."

Dylan didn't even think that maybe one of the other boys was paying attention to their idle conversation until Mike poked his head into the front seat. "Uh, rewind. Did you say you guys made out?"

"No!" Jonathan said, a little too defensively for Dylan's liking. "It was a simple kiss. Nothing like you're picturing."

"What I'm picturing," said Mike, he was frowning and his eyes had turned to slits as he glanced between the both of them. "Is you cheating on my sister. And, I get it, she's annoying, prissy, stuck-up..."

Dylan waited for Mike to finish, unsure what point he was trying to make. "But she's my sister. That's, like, totally uncool."

Dylan finally looked back at Jonathan, mirroring Mike's frown. "You're with Nancy? When did that happen?"

Jonathan took his right hand off the wheel and placed it on Mike's forehead, shoving him back into the backseat. "It didn't, that's when."

Mike recovered from Jonathan's shove and pushed himself between them again. "Okay, not like it's been only the last... two years of your life?"

He looked back at Will, an incredulous expression on his face. "Will, back me up here?"

There was a long moment before Will spoke. "Dylan," he said quietly. "You said you never dated Steve Harrington?"

She shook her head. "Never."

"And Jonathan," Will continued, "you never dated Nancy Wheeler?"


In the rear view mirror, Dylan watched as Mike and Will exchanged looks.

"Okay, first off, I thought Dylan was just being drama queen because I mean," Mike paused for dramatic effect. "It's Dylan. You know, I thought she was pulling this whole 'I'm gonna pretend Steve and I never dated, he might not be dead but he's dead to me' crap because they broke up—"

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