STRANDED - The Song of a Child

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River was perched on the white leather seat in the control room when she felt that tight cramp across her stomach for the second time. However, it still felt very similar to the Braxton Hicks she'd had a few days ago, or a very hard kick. Deciding to ignore it, she hauled herself up, one hand supporting her lower back, and slowly walked around the console to ease the ache. As she fiddled with a few leavers, the Doctor strolled in, looking pleased with himself, carrying a big tub of chocolate ice cream that River had asked for. Beaming at him, she reached out, scooped a pile on the spoon and shoved it in her mouth with a satisfied moan.

"Have I appeased thee?" the Doctor gave a bow. River rolled her eyes before swiping the tub from his arms and beginning to scoff more back. "Don't eat it too quickly, that was the last tub I could find on the TARDIS!"

"Well maybe the TARDIS should make some more!"

"She has been and you've eaten it all!"

"I regret nothing and besides, it's this little Dalek that wants all the ice cream," River replied, pointing at her 38 week bump.

"River, that is our baby you're speaking of and he or she is the most incredible thing in the whole universe!" The Doctor then stooped down, gently placed his hands on River's belly and began talking in soft Gallifreyan to the baby inside while River smiled fondly at the scene before her.

Later on, River was resting on the sofa when another sharp cramp sent a wave of nausea up her body and she rushed to the bathroom. Meanwhile, the Doctor, having heard her hurried footsteps, was knocking on the door. 

"River, are you alright?" When there was no reply, just the sound of retching, he opened the door, "Too much ice cream?" he said as he knelt down beside her and held back her hair.

"Hmm," River heaved again and gasped as a more intense cramp swathed all around her sides. Oblivious to her pain, The Doctor rubbed soothing circles on her back. Before she had a chance to say anything however, the TARDIS began to ring with a wailing alarm.

~ ~ ~

"Doctor, what's happening?!" River exclaimed as she joined The Doctor in the console room while he frantically attempted to control his ship. The TARDIS was jolting through the vortex so turbulently that even the use of the blue boringers was in vain. River messily tied back her hair in fear of another vomiting episode before running through the TARDIS' emergency scanners, one hand clutching the safety rail for balance. It seemed the ship's charging system had failed despite the general readings displaying no fault. Although the timeship didn't often require charging, when she did, it was crucial that she received this essential energy to continue to function properly. Now without this energy however, she obstinately hurtled herself through time and space, seeking the nearest point to successfully gain it.

"She hasn't charged Doctor, her energy systems are failing!" River yelled over the blaring sounds of the ship.

"What? No, that can't be right, we were only in Cardiff topping her up last week! And why are the general system readings healthy?"

"I don't know Doctor, but what I do know is she's landing somewhere and I don't think we have a say in the matter." As the TARDIS gave a particularly aggressive landing jolt, River lost her footing and stumbled across the console. The Doctor was there in an instant, embracing her as the TARDIS controls began to spark.

"You alright?"

"Yes. Thanks. I'm fine...although I think it may be time to abandon ship sweetie." She signalled at the red danger lights beginning to whir behind him. As they both dashed through the exit, the ship's iconic wheezing sounded, the doors slammed shut and before either of them had the chance to do anything about it, The TARDIS had abandoned them.

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