Chapter 5: Dinner for Two 🍽

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(Authors note: This is a long one. Sorry!)

" Robbie, can I help you with something?" You ask him rubbing your forearm awkwardly. He seems like he needed something from you but you couldn't quite put your finger on it. " Oh yes! You see, I just wanted to show you to your new school. I am sure it will be perfect. " He says taking your arm and pulling you along to walk with him. "Whoa, uh ok but I really should be heading home. " You say forced to walk along with him, trying to brush his hand off your arm. But he had a pretty good grip on you.

" Candy? " he says holding out some weird-looking candy that kinda looked like a lollipop and taffy mix in his hand. It gave off a super sweet smell that made your head hurt. How could something be that sweet and not in a good way? " Uh, no thanks. I'm fine" You say politely, pushing his hand away from you with the candy on it. " Suit yourself" he says taking a piece and eating it, putting the rest away in his pocket.

You try holding yourself together as you try moving away from Robbie a little so that you can have some personal space to walk on your own without his candy-covered hands touching your arm. It's not that you don't like candy because almost everyone does but this guy takes it to next level. You wonder if he made that candy himself, seeing how it was like no candy you have ever seen or smelt before. And the candy wasn't wrapped in any plastic wrapping.

He insists on holding your arm so you would be standing close beside him. Dragging you along he suddenly stops you. "Now close your eyes and don't open them until I say so " He says putting his hands on your shoulders with a smile that was mistrusting, to say the least. You raise your eyebrow. " It's a surprise!" He says trying to reassure you to trust him. "Alright...if you say so" You say closing your eyes. You hope he doesn't do anything to you. "Good" he says chuckling to himself. You feel uneasy as he gets behind you and pushes you forward. You slowly walk forward, holding your hands out in front of you just in case you run into something.

After a while of walking straight forward. Your feet touch soft grass and you hear birds chirping in the distance. "Now stand here and don't move a muscle " Robbie says moving your arms down to your sides. You hear Robbie scurrying around, grabbing something, and mumbling to himself. He then stands in front of you and you feel his icy gaze piercing through you. "Alright, open your eyes" he says excitedly. You open your eyes and see Robbie holding a poster saying Welcome to Lazy Town School.

The poster looks hand-painted with purple and red paint. Confetti cannons blow the Confetti bombs up in the air and fall to the ground like rain pouring down. You look behind the chaos, to the school. The school looked run down. The building itself looked like it would collapse at any minute. The yellow paint faded and withered away. The windows are busted and broken. The front door is barely hanging from its hinges. The school looked like a haunted hotel location for ghosts and ghouls.

" What's wrong? Not what you were expecting?" He says walking to stand next to you, admiring the school. He holds your shoulder with a sinister smile. You couldn't say anything. You stood there in shock unable to move. " Gosh, I'm sorry. Maybe you should pack your things and move to a better place with a beautiful sparkling-clean school. After all, you deserve it, from working so hard on your little lesson plans." He says wrapping his arm around your shoulder as he takes your book with your lesson plans.

He fans through the book and you immediately reach for it. "Hey! Give that back! " You say as he moves the book further away from your reach. He leans down closer to you. " Listen well, you may have a pretty face but you don't belong here. We don't need you here in Lazy Town, we are all perfectly happy here. We don't need you teaching these kids, filling their heads with nonsense. Go back to wherever you came from" He says holding your chin up to look at him.

Race For Love {Lazy Town~Y/N x Sportacus} (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now