You're so gorgeous, I can't say anything to your face

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"I'm coming, I'm coming!" Shouted Robin, pulling her jacket on.

She opened the door and was met with Steve looking distinctly less than impressed.

"Buckley, if I remember correctly, you, were the one who shouted down the street to ensure I remembered to pick you up, but now it's 10 past 7 and I've been waiting here for 10 minutes!" Steve complained.

"Yeah, yeah, I know, I overslept Steve, sorry." Apologised Robin.

"Get in, Buckley."

Robin sat into the passenger seat of Steve's car, rolling her eyes at Steve's reaction. She bit her tongue, because she was not willing to walk to and from school each morning.

"So, Buckley, since you were so excited yesterday, how are you feeling now?"

"I'm nervous but I just feel hopeful? I can't place why but you know, makes a change. How about you, Harrington?"

"Robin, I fucking hate school, the only reason I go is because the people are hot and my dad won't give me a cushy job if I don't graduate."

"Steve, you need to be more hopeful, it's our last year for God's sake. What if you meet the guy or girl of your dreams?"

"Buckley, it's senior year, nobody starts a new high school now, and I've tried to date half the girls in our year."

"Date a guy then, you're literally bi."

"Robin, you of all people know that I can't just date a guy."

"Maybe someone new will join?"

"Robin, nobody starts a new school in senior year."

Robin made a vague noise of understanding before putting her headphones on, drowning out Steve's less than optimistic rambling.

Soon, the two were turning into the school car park. Robin quickly jumped out and grabbed her school bag, before turning towards the entrance of the school.

"Damn, slow down Robin. Not all of us are fucking hyper at half 7 in the morning." Steve remarked, running his hands through his styled brown hair.

"Sorry, Steve. Sometimes I forget that you have to spend five minutes staring at your stupid fucking hair in the mirror before you walk in the doors." Robin teased.

"It's not stupid! It's my best feature!"

"Wouldn't be difficult." Robin mumbled to herself.

The two walked to their first class, homeroom, having been emailed their schedules the previous week.

"How nice of you two to join us!" Smiled Robin's favourite teacher, Ms. Garcia.

"Hey, Miss." Robin replied brightly.

"Hello, Ms. Garcia." Steve muttered, already bored.

"The seating plan is just here, if you'd please find your seats."

Robin and Steve went to their seats as Ms. Garcia began speaking.

"So, welcome back everyone for your final year at Hawkins High! This year, we have not one but two new students joining us! So first of all, everyone say hello to Vickie!"

Vickie walked in shyly, looking around at the classroom and it's occupants.

"So, welcome Vickie! You'll be sitting down beside Robin in the corner. Give us a wave Robin!"

She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Robin thought.

"Robin?" Pressed Ms. Garcia

"Oh, uh, sorry I missed that." Robin replied, a red flush spreading across her cheeks for more reasons than being caught not paying attention.

Vickie began to walk down towards Robin, a small smile on her face.

She stuck out her hand. "Hi, I'm Vickie!"

"Uh, hi, I'm Bobin Ruckley- I mean, I'm Robin Buckley. First name Robin, surname Buckley. I have a middle name too but I don't think you want to know that. Some people call me Robby, and Nance, thats Nancy Wheeler, she calls me Rob. Steve, that's the guy over there," Robin gestured towards Steve, "he calls me Buckley sometimes. Wait, uh, am I rambling? Sorry, I ramble when I get nervous and I get nervous a lot around pretty girls and like- wait sorry I'm not saying anything weird like I'm not gay but you know, I'm straight but I do have eyes aha, so, uh, hi!" Robin's face is a flaming red.

"Hi, Robin. That's a really nice name."

"Uh, thanks! Yours is nicer."

Robin and Vickie made eye contact, blushing. Robin looked away first, as she noticed someone else enter the room.

"So everyone, can we have a huge welcome for Eddie!" Smiled Ms. Garcia, clasping her hands together.

Eddie stood at the top of the classroom, somehow managing to look even less interested than Steve usually does.

"Eddie your seat is beside Steve, right in front of you." Ms. Garcia told Eddie.

Eddie stalked over to his seat.

"Hiya Steve."

"Hey man."

"Uh, nice jacket man." Mentioned Steve awkwardly, trying to break the silence.

"Thanks, love the hair." Smirked Eddie.

"I-, uh, thanks!" Answered Steve, blushing while patting his hair.

Ms. Garcia droned on about the usual beginning of the year things, like lockers, lunch periods, "responsibilities as the oldest in the school".

As the bell rang for the next period, Robin smiled at Vickie.

"Uh, goodluck with your day! I'll see you later."

"Thanks, you too!"

Robin picked up her bag and began to walk out of class.

"Oh, wait, Robin? I think you're very pretty too."


A/N: So firstly, I hope that anyone who's reading this is enjoying it, because I really do enjoy writing it! This is my first fanfiction, so any comments are greatly appreciated. Enjoy the story!

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