17. Homescreen heartstrings

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"I want those files in my cabin this very moment, Ms. Tha- Why are you here?" I asked them, entering inside my cabin.

"What do you mean? I am a shareholder, if you have forgotten. I can come anytime I want." Sahil shrugged, making himself at home.

"Shareholder privileges don't extend to turning my office into a social club," I retorted, my voice laced with sarcasm. "Especially not when you have your own companies to mismanage."

Sahil chuckled, but a flicker of irritation crossed his eyes. Before he could fire back, I turned to the other guy.

"You," I said, raising an eyebrow. "Any particular reason you decided to grace us with your presence?"

Ryan, finally tearing his gaze away from his phone, mumbled a lackadaisical, "Nah."

"Then perhaps you could ungrace us with it?" I suggested, my patience wearing thin.

Just then, my phone buzzed, the ringtone announcing Vartika, or rather, Megh calling through her phone.

"Hey there, champ," I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose to ward off a looming headache.

"Dadda! Look, Mumma! Mumma, say hi to Dadda!" A burst of excited chatter filled the room.

I winced, picturing the scene on the other end. A frantic Aparna likely upside down, phone precariously held aloft, chasing after a giggling Megh who was probably using her as a personal jungle gym.

"Megh! No running in the house!" Ma's faint voice echoed faintly in the background.

A defeated chuckle escaped my lips. Looks like my peace and quiet was on hold for the foreseeable future.

I chuckled, watching Megh streak across the screen, phone clutched in his tiny fist. Aparna was valiantly trying to keep him still, but the little monkey was on a mission.

"Buddy, slow down!" Aparna pleaded, her voice strained but amused. "Give the phone to Mumma!"

Megh, of course, ignored her completely. Ever since he'd discovered the joys of independent locomotion, escape had become his favorite game. Every room, every hallway, was an obstacle course just waiting to be conquered.

The phone wobbled precariously as Megh rounded a corner, the screen tilting wildly. Then, with a triumphant squeal, he thrust it back at Aparna.

"Talk from here," he declared in his most official voice, puffing out his chest with pride.

The phone was promptly, but carefully, retrieved by Aparna. She gave me a look that spoke volumes – a playful exasperation that warmed my heart.

"The lehenga will be delivered to your place tonight," I announced, adopting my most businesslike tone. "Be sure you're there to receive it."

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