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 The WAEC exam came and gone with Tarila being absent from all papers. It was a devastating blow to the Teachers and to the school who once loved him and believed that he will be great in life.

It has been fun for Tarila but not until he dreamt the same dream about his mother once again with his mother weeping vigorously this time. As he began to ponder on the dreams he has been having concerning his mother, the veil began to fade off his face as tears began to run down his cheeks.

“What has happened to me?” he said to himself as he walks down the breath and length of his well furnished apartment. “O! What have I done with my life”the tears of regrets began to surface having come to consciousness of his new self. Restlessness crept into his life. His mother was always appearing to him in his dreams.

“Olu what have you done to me” Tarila asked while holding the neck of Olu’s T-shirts. “Are you asking me about what you did to yourself”Olu who was still in a surprise state at the change of attitude of Tarila said while struggling to speak. And then it dawn on Tarila that he has wasted a large part of his life gaining nothing and his very essence cursed him to cause the day he was born.

With the feelings of regrets plunging into his life he decided to commit the act which might ruin his life completely. Before carrying out the act he wrote:

“It hurts life hurts

My heart beats and cuts

They said the only remedy is sleep

But here I am sinking thinking in the deep

If only I can find a gun and end this


And now they said the balm is in Spain

Give me a knife! I need a knife to end this life

For it is nothing more than strife

Slowly and quietly I die

And the invisible takes away my drive

God knows why! God knows why! Neighbours chorus

Not knowing that this feeling is disastrous

Madness takes over me

Making the fact about reality dim

"It’ll be over soon," my friends says frantically

Yet they're blind to see the thorn I lay on continually

Darkness is now my home

The night is when I roam

I slept and woke up again

He brings a bargain

Solve the problem or suicide

He says decide

My reasoning shatters and falters

Here I am, suspended like a pendulum bob to the fan

Truly worry drowns”

Having not seen Tarila for a month Neighbours and friends who were inquisitive to know about his welfare stormed into his apartment and lo! All they could find was his body hanging like a pendulum bob to the fan and his suicidal note.

Nengimote on the other who was una ble to bear the pain being leeched upon her by her father and step mother ran out of her father’s house and in an attempt to cross the busy road of Lagos she was embraced by a Truck which dashed out her brain. Hearing the news of Nengimote’s death her father rushed to the scene and then beheld his daughter lying in the pool of her own blood. And like a flash of light he realized that he has been unfair to his daughter and his attitude has led to her demise.

Ifeanyiwa realized herself later on and with so much ado pushed herself back to the university. And luckily she was granted admission into the University of Nigeria, Nsukka to pursue a nursing degree. After five years of add labour to meet up her needs, she finally graduated with a second class upper degree and luckily for her she was employed into the federal medical center Abuja which she later used in gaining her Ph.D. degree.

Kayode flew out of the country to India to study medicine and surgery.

He was recognized as the best graduating student of class ‘018 and was offered an immediate employment for his high skills and intelligence in the medical field.

Captain Capo who was known to be notorious while in the senior high school on gaining admission into University of Lagos to study Architecture became known as the best designer during his University days and on graduating from the university he was employed as a Senior staff into the Julius Berger company due to his outstanding performances and new design theories.

Tears mixed with joy filled the heart of Ebi even as she received a doctorate degree for breaking the fallow grounds in Pharmacy and then she said “Life is tough but we all must be tougher than life and his challenges. The race is not only for the swiftest but also for the slow. The desire to be wealthy shouldn’t ripped us of the desire to be educated and to parents out there you should be able to know the emotional personality of your wards at all times. And to the youths who think they can't make it, I want to assure you that there is still time and you can still make it and do exploits. Thank you” and there were loud applauses which then became indistinct and then faded into thin air.”

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