Let Me Explain... Please?

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Alison's POV

How could I have been so stupid as to go and cheat on my girlfriend and over a booty call too? The sad part was that it wasn't even worth it! He's nothing compared to my Emily. Nothing! Too bad she's not mine anymore though.

It's now been five weeks since she last talked to me. Five! I literally tried everything. I even went as far as to walk to her house in the pouring rain multiple times in hopes of talking to her, only to have the door slammed in my face the moment she opened it.

Of course I didn't let that get to me. I couldn't give up that easily. I mean how can you be willing to give up so easily on someone that you're so madly in love with? So ever since the day she left me, I've been doing everything in my power to try and at least make her give me the chance to talk to her. I would always text and call multiple times each day only to be met with her voicemail and un-replied text messages everyday. I even brought her flowers and chocolates to her work and home on random days.. Yeah I know it's totally cliche, but she loves those kinds of romantic gestures. I mean what girl wouldn't, right? I would even leave little love poems and letters in her school locker in attempts to try and communicate with her, but every time she'd see my handwriting she would just ball it up and throw it out before even bothering to read them. I'm seriously running out of ideas here!

At this point I'm not even sure what to do to make her talk to me. Even our friends all took her side so of course I'm all alone at school as well as at home now. Sadly the only person that would even come near me anymore is that fuckboy Nick whom I cheated with.

While I was walking to school today I promised myself that I wasn't going to go back home until I talked to my Emily, girlfriend or not, I'm still going to make sure to get her back! I was just about to walk into the main building when I started to feel a little ill, but I'm sure it was just the nerves building up within me.

Unfortunately right as I was walking up to Emily in the hallway, I had to make a quick beeline to the restroom instead. I must be more nervous then I actually thought I was since next thing I know I'm in one of the stalls hovering over the toilet as I see my dinner from last night make an unwanted appearance. I just really hope no one saw me, especially not Emily, otherwise that would of been really embarrassing.

Emily's POV

I must admit, it's getting harder and harder to avoid Alison as the weeks pass by. Especially today when I seen Alison approach me in the hallways. I was about to give up this ridiculous fight and get some answers out from her, but the moment I was about to walk towards her she ran towards another direction. Like what the hell all was that about? She's been the one to practically stalk and make me talk to her for over a month, but the moment I want to she runs away like a frightened child.

If that wasn't bad enough, she never came to class after that weird incident in the hallway which is odd since she's always early to all our classes. Which reminds me that I still can't believe she bullied her way into getting most of her classes changed to matched mine. Now that I'm even thinking about it, it makes me wonder why she even did that in the first place and what she would of done if we had never gotten together.

Just as I was about to get too deep into my thoughts about Alison and the way our weird relationship became, she suddenly walked into the class.  I would have been relaxed at the fact that she was present but the fact that she looked like hell told me otherwise.  Just the sadden look she had was enough to break me. It almost looked as is she had been crying? But no matter how wrong she did me multiple times over, I still really cared and wanted her to be okay.  But the true question was if she actually was?

I'll just have to talk to her after school about it and get everything out in the open once and for all. I really can't keep doing this much longer, I need to get my closure asap.

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