Chapter 1: Alcohol and Hormones, What Can Go Wrong?

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Why the hell did I say yes. This, this whole mess, this fuckery wouldn't be my problem if I just stayed home. I cringe as I step through the door, taking in the strange concoction of booze, sweaty straight boys, chlorine, and weed that attacked my nose. The natural habitat of this creature, the teenager: controlled by hormones, by this very primal desire - no, need- to catch a mate, and then fuck them 'til the light of day. I was not like that. I was quite proud of it actually, to be so different from all these basics, I would never be swept off my fe- He's here. My face drains of color and develops a heavy blush simultaneously as our eyes met. Just then, I remember why I was here, "Billy, babe, I'll be back I'm gonna... catch up with a friend. See you later!" my best friend, Kate called out before drifting to some corner of the chaos that overtook the massive mansion where the party was hosted.

With Kate went any chance of me socializing for the night. Might as well bunker down near a corner of the room that's abundant on food and scarce on drunk thotties. As I locked in on an ideal area, I was interrupted; at first, I tried to just ignore it, until the tapping on my back persisted.
"Billy wait for me." that voice. why was he talking to me? How did he even know me? I realized I probably looked like a grade A douchebag for not turning around. I slowly turned to face him and was speechless; Teddy was always uber attractive, but tonight he was jaw dropping, absolutely gorgeous. "I get it, Bill if you don't wanna talk just say so." he said, sounding oddly rejected. "Teddy, wait, I zoned out, you wanted to talk?'' I said as he began walking away. He quickly turned back, and responded with a slight grin. "I just really don't want to spend time with all of these fake people, I was feeling really alone, then I saw you walking in with Kate. So even if you don't want to talk, can you at least pretend? It was getting pretty lonely here..."

"No, yeah of course! Uh- to be honest, I figured you didn't know who I was. We've never really talked through years of classes together." You see, Teddy Altman was no ordinary teen, he was the captain of the football team, the basketball team, the baseball team you name a sport, this boy excelled at it, not to mention his status as THE guy, the big man on campus, the it guy, all the clichés you could think of. Everyone knew Teddy, he was simply the best. And billy? He was just the stuck up, fairy know it all

Oh and this fairy had been crushing on Mr. It for far too long.

"I've wanted to. To talk to you, become friends for a while but I just felt like- like you were annoyed by me? I guess." he replied with an adorably shy grin

"I guess I do come off like that.. Um so you said you felt lonely?" I asked, trying not to sound so much like a shrink.

"Well, I just can't relate with these people. They all just wanna drink, get laid, take advantage of all these drunk girls-" he was cut off by the sudden surge in volume. A new song had begun, but not just any old song, the erratic beat and obnoxious trumpets meant it was "Crazy In Love". "I love this song", I muttered to myself before realizing my company. Teddy quickly shut up and gave me this look between shock, excitement, and something else. "Then let's dance!"

"Teddy.. No I'm ok" I responded, flushed. He grabbed my hand anyway and tried his best attempt at Beyoncé, strut and all. I couldn't stop giggling.

"No Billy, you cant laugh at me if you're not even gonna try! C'mon you're making me look ridiculous!"

"I think you're doing that all on your own buddy." I responded with a big chuckle; before I actually began dancing. Nothing serious, but still. I never would've danced at all without Teddy right there.

"You see, you're doing great!" Teddy responded with slight sarcasm in his voice. This continued until the song ended, where we were left, breathless and hysterical. "If anyone ever asked that never happened." Teddy proclaimed between breaths

"Y'know, you're not half bad Altman" I surprised myself with how cool that sounded.

"You are pretty great yourself pal." we continued talking, learning more about each other, laughing with each other. we probably had a better time than the drunks surrounding us; but maybe we were drunk too, maybe not off of any substance, not a literal one. Maybe we were drunk, not on some booze or on some weed, but we both developed an addiction that night. An addiction to each other.

a mood had set over us. He drew slightly closer. Closer closer. I focused on his lips. Beautiful, lively, inviting lips; More pink than even the most in bloom spring flower. He was just so inexplicably perfect. Only mere inches separated our mouths ,but still, closer, closer.

"Altman! We're doing keg stands, c'mon man!" someone, oblivious to my existence, called out from the crowd

"I'll uh- be right back" he said, voice and gaze laden with regret and guilt.

And so I waited and waited. Minutes became hours, and suddenly it was getting seriously late. More and more people had left, only a fraction of the remaining were actually conscious. I figured it was about time to go find Kate. When, for a second time, I was interrupted. "wait. Billy, shit I'm sorry" said Teddy with a slight slur.

"I'm not your responsibility Teddy, there's nothing to apologize for." I said poisonously. I was downright pissed off. We had shared something, I felt so close to him from the few hours we talked, and I thought he felt the same way, but I guess not. I began to walk away

"But what if- what if I want to?" he stammered, making me glance back at him

"Teddy, you're drunk, you don't mean that." he suddenly closed the gap between us. "Teddy don't do this." he picked his hand up, to my cheek "You're gonna regret this tomorrow. Please don't-" and then he kissed me

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